Sharron says, “Apologize to Petraeus.”

I stole this line from Jim Geraghty, because it’s the perfect way to visualize this latest ad from the Sharron Angle campaign. In this one, Harry Reid is reminded that lying about how you treat our military personnel is a bad idea, and that he should apologize for it:

Isn’t it nice to have a grown-up around who has some small hope of making Harry Reid behave like one?

Moe Lane Continue reading Sharron says, “Apologize to Petraeus.”

#rsrh This is the best the DNC has?


Not a single Democratic lawmaker appears in the ad, and there is no mention of President Obama, who won’t be on any ballots this year. A teacher and a masked factory worker make brief cameos in the ad, but the only recognizable individual in the spot is President Bush, who says, “You can’t get fooled again.”

Shoot, when a representative of the working class doesn’t even want to show his face on your campaign ad, that’s a ‘problem.’ And by problem I mean ‘opportunity for hysterical laughter.’

Moe Lane

PS: Betcha it took them at least 100K to make that ad (no, it shouldn’t have, but it probably did). They should make a ton more.

PPS: Do you think that Jeb Bush flashed the Loser Sign on his forehead? Probably not, but he should have.

DOOM approaches in Arkansas.

The latest Rasmussen totals for AR-SEN are brutal for the incumbent (65/27 Boozman/Lincoln), and the RCP average isn’t much better.  Which is not precisely news, but it does lead to a couple of observations:

  • First, given this kind of lopsided Republican dominance of the Senate race, is it legitimate to say that either the Democratic incumbent in AR-04 (GOP candidate Beth Anne Rankin), or the Democrats trying to retain AR-01 (GOP candidate Rick Crawford) and AR-02 (GOP candidate Tim Griffin) have any kind of advantage in the general election?  There is a very real possibility that Arkansas is about to flip from 3-1 DEM/GOP to 4-0 GOP/DEM; which is something that hasn’t happened since (I think) the tag-end of Reconstruction.
  • Second, did you know that the state legislature of Arkansas is dominated by the Democratic party, in both houses?  That might not be all that true after November.
  • Third, it’s currently conventional wisdom that incumbent Democratic governor Mike Beebe (GOP candidate Jim Keetis too popular to be shifted.  Maybe so.  Then again, maybe not: at least some of the people showing up to flip the Senate seat and the House ones are not going to be inclined to make an exception for any Democrat.

All in all: while I agree that the Left sent the Democratic party a pretty powerful message in the Arkansas Senate primary, I’m not sure that the text of that message was the one that the Left wanted to send…

Moe Lane

#rsrh QotD, Dragon/Abyss edition.

From James Poulos, on why if the Left keeps doing it they’ll go blinder:

It does a disservice to both sides to say that the left, pure and simple, has radicalized the right. But for too many on the left, the right already is so radical — so unreasonable, irrational, kooky, atavistic, and unthinking — that it hardly matters whether the second America tries to protect and advance its interests politely or viciously. When it plays nicely, they believe, the second America is engaged in the tactic of papering over the bigotry that animates it at a foundational level. The only thing the second America can do to earn goodwill from this influential segment of the left is to abandon and denounce its primitive worldview and its cruel policies. Not quite convert or die, but — almost worse from the far left perspective — convert or be ruthlessly marginalized and stigmatized. Confronted with such a choice, Americans — not just from the second America, as its enemies on the left should know — are inclined to stop being polite and start getting real. 

James considers the results of such a response unfortunate; I… don’t, quite.  You see, I am reminded of the old folk wisdom about the necessary first step for training a jackass.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, it is the perfect symbol for that particular party, isn’t it?  Or at least its leadership: the regular voters are all right (hi, Mom!).

Meet Mattie Fein (R CAND, CA-36).

Mattie is running in Jane “Wasn’t Newsweek sweet to write that about me” Harman’s seat, which is one of those seats that reminds you that ‘Democratic hawk politician’ is about as much an oxymoron as ‘conservative Democratic politician’ is. Mattie had a bit to say about that, and the seat in general:

Mattie’s site is here: I would also like to note that this particular district is heavily dependent on the aerospace and defense industries, which means of course that it’s getting hammered by this administration’s changed priorities. That makes it perhaps a little more vulnerable than one might think.

Crossposted to RedState.

The bull goes over the wall.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) You know, I have nothing to say about bullfighting, per se: it’s a little hypocritical of me to care about that sort of thing and also not care where my fried chicken and my bacon comes from, and I don’t care where my fried chicken and my bacon comes from*. And I’m sorry that a kid got hurt. Continue reading The bull goes over the wall.

#rsrh Robin Carnahan’s toothless pander.

I understand what the Roy Blunt campaign is doing here, and they’re not wrong to bring it up. But it’s not the whole story.

The problem here is not that Robin Carnahan called Missouri a ‘mecca of progressivism.’  It’s not, and she didn’t mean it in that way anyway: her sarcasm and disdain for the people of Missouri who don’t think like her comes across, loud and clear.  But even that’s not the problem here. In fact, the problem here is her palpable contempt for not only Missourians (you get the feeling that one of the perks of a Senate seat for Robin Carnahan would be her getting away and staying away from flyover country for months at a time), but also the very progressives that she’s trying to woo.  Continue reading #rsrh Robin Carnahan’s toothless pander.