Politicians gone wild!

I posted the link to this Cracked article over at RedState under a different name and purpose (Sunday open thread), but it’s got too many good bits not to put over here, too. Here’s one (and not the one I was originally going to use, either):

Yeah, yeah, I know: we shouldn’t be amused by scenes like this. But the Youtube guy was right. That guy was poking them with a stick, and they did take it.

Moe Lane

PS: Make sure you watch the #1 video. It’s relatively tame, but it’s also evidence that we’re not immune from this phenomenon.

PPS: Alas, the market for “politicians fighting” seems to be tragically under-explored, although this back-in-the-day worshipful look at the guy who helped destroy the mortgage market might prove unintentionally amusing.

Greg Gutfield has exposed the 9/11 Conspiracy once and for all!

“Seriously, how much is Rosie O’Donnell paying you to say it’s the Jews?”

And – of course! – it’s in the last place you’d look:

Here’s how my very simple theory works: the common 9/11 truthers are – as a rule – unemployed, living at home, and nutritionally deficient due to a vigorously vegan diet. This gave them the free time, as well the depressed hostility (due to lack of animal protein) needed to plan the attacks. After the attacks, they were initially pleased that America mistakenly blamed bin Laden. But they also knew that, given time, after realizing the innocence of these young Islamic entrepreneurs, the scent of guilt would lead only to them.

Fiendish! Continue reading Greg Gutfield has exposed the 9/11 Conspiracy once and for all!

Friday the 13th, explained.

Admittedly, what happened two days ago probably would be enough to cement the unlucky reputation of the day, but just in case it’s not, the Weekly World News is on the case and researching the problem as only they can. A taste:

* In London’s summer of 1865, seven prostitutes, two flower sellers, three secretaries and a nun were assaulted on Friday July 13th by a crazy man wearing an athletic mask. The assailant would jump out of the shadows and present them with literature supporting the Conservative Party. As the women screamed and tried to run away, they were asked for donations repeatedly, up to 18 times in one case.

I don’t know why that one’s the funniest – to me, at least – but it is.

Moe Lane

PS: No, I won’t be seeing the movie. I’m one of those weird people who liked TV series better, and by “better” I mean “I actually liked the series, as opposed to the movies, which I pretty much hated.”  I guess that I’m a snob.

Well, until people start buying ad space…

…on the sidebar, I guess that I’ll have to load my own.

We’ll start off by replacing the Kindle 2: Amazon’s New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation) ad with Momfidence!: An Oreo Never Killed Anybody and Other Secrets of Happier Parenting, which was an absolute sanity-saver when I read it during my wife’s pregnancy. It’s an excellent antidote to Overeager Parent Syndrome, and I think that anybody with kids or expecting them should read it.

I can also recommend Pregnancy Sucks For Men: What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You BOTH Miserable, which was likewise a lifesaver. I never read its “prequel” Pregnancy Sucks: What to Do When Your Miracle Makes You Miserable, for fairly obvious reasons…

I’m sorry. Red Dawn shouldn’t be on this list.

I’ve seen Red Dawn more times than I can count when I was a kid, and this is back in the day when that meant watching it on VHS, but ye gods and little fishes! – that movie was awful. I don’t care what NRO thinks.  Personally, I’d add Iron Man to the list, but only because doing so thoroughly mocks the antiwar movement’s ultimately unsuccessful attempt to list cowardice and hypocrisy among the American virtues.

Via RS McCain.  I have no quibbles with either of his additions.

Moe Lane

PS: I hear that World In Conflict absolutely rocks as a video game, though.


What? I like awful, sometimes.

Crossposted to RedState.

OK, so they’re breaking the back of the common cold, now.

Clearly I need to start reading Fark’s Geek tag, because it keeps telling me welcome things like this:

Scientists decode genomes of all known rhinoviruses, first step towards cure

TORONTO – Scientists have decoded the genetic blueprints of all known strains of rhinoviruses – a.k.a. the common cold.

The ambitious project, the results of which were published Thursday, should fast-forward efforts to combat these viral nuisances. But the vast genetic variation seen across the various strains suggests it is unlikely pharmaceutical scientists could concoct one single drug to treat all versions, the senior author of the study admitted.

Continue reading OK, so they’re breaking the back of the common cold, now.

Well, Senator Burris (D-IL) is from Illinois.

Let’s just say that the Democratic Party over there has a history of this sort of thing.

Annnnd that would be perjury:

Blago hit up Burris for cash
EXCLUSIVE | In his third sworn version of events, senator confirms pitch for donations

Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s brother solicited U.S. Sen. Roland Burris for up to $10,000 in campaign cash before Blagojevich named Burris to the coveted post — something Burris initially failed to disclose under oath before an Illinois House impeachment panel, records and interviews show.

Burris (D-Ill.) acknowledges being hit up for the money in a new affidavit he has sent to the head of the House committee that recommended Blagojevich be removed from office.

Continue reading Well, Senator Burris (D-IL) is from Illinois.

Harold Ford Jr. has tax issues?

It’d be a bit of a surprise to me if he did – I’ve heard a bit about the man, but nothing along those lines – but he’s a Democrat being considered for a Cabinet post (Commerce*), so you’ll understand why I’m asking.

(H/T: Glenn Reynolds)

Moe Lane

PS: Harold Ford does not have a “Merrill problem.”  There are apparently people who are making it a point to make sure that this is known, so I thought that I’d just pass it on.

*Otherwise known as the “fugu fish of the Obama Cabinet.”

Crossposted at RedState.