First stretch goal reached for THE FERMI RESOLUTION WORLDBOOK!

We have just passed $2,500 on the Fermi Resolution Worldbook Backerkit! Thank you so much! To expand on what backers will be getting:

It is the wild and woolly days of the Twenty-Third Century. A beast-man has attacked a Second Republic trade caravan at Poughkeepsie, and fled east! But is he more man, or more beast? Either way, your party must track him down. There are places along the coast that you would not send your worst enemy…

Continue reading First stretch goal reached for THE FERMI RESOLUTION WORLDBOOK!

I have applied for 2025 Savage Fest!

Which isn’t nearly as violent and/or confrontational as it sounds. Savage is a former mill town that’s, like, the next town over, and they do a nice little community festival every year. My wife and I did it last year as much to get out in the fresh air as we did to actually sell books, but I did surprisingly well there, too. So much so that I’m doing a bunch of town festivals and whatnot, this year. Should be fun.

The Savage Community Association doesn’t have a website for the 2025 Savage Fest yet, but it’ll be here. As always, if you can’t make it, as always, you can buy my books here.


Well, *that* was a letdown.

The site was too small for the vendors and audience. We were packed in like sardines, with the tables half-width. I couldn’t put up anything behind me, and we eventually had to make an empty table go walking with Jesus just so that our block could get in and out. It’s a damned miracle I sold any books at all.

I’ve been at better venues.

Moe Lane

PS: Buy my books, don’t buy them, I’m just glad to be home.


Check out Sarah Hoyt’s ‘Authors on the Side of Liberty’ ongoing linkfest.

She was kind enough to link to my current Backerkit (read: “I sent her the info”), as well as my latest short story anthology. Check out some of the other authors at the aforementioned linkfest. I’m doing all right this month, but not everybody’s as fortunate as I am, and it’s really hard to get anywhere in this thing of ours.