Why you should follow authors on Amazon (particularly me).

See, today was the day that I realized that Amazon can notify you of new books out by your favorite authors, if you follow them. So since I’m likely one of your favorite authors, go ahead and hit that follow button at the link! Then get all your friends to do the same thing.

Oh, yeah: also do it for your favorite authors who aren’t me. They would absolutely want me to tell you to do that. It ain’t too easy out here for an author.

Reminder: Amazon is raising printing costs on 06/20/2023.

The costs affect paperback and hardcover books, not Kindle or Kindle Unlimited. Independent authors (like myself) had to make a choice between eating the cost in royalties, or raising our prices. I went with eating the costs, but only because I could afford to take the hit. The next time, I probably won’t be able to, so I’ll have to raise prices across the board.

I’m not mad about this — or, at least I’m not mad at Amazon. They probably should have raised printing costs earlier. I’m just pointing this out so that people don’t freak out when the books of their favorite indy authors suddenly get a bit more expensive. And to suggest that you get your paperback purchases in early



Now you know inflation is bad: it’s slopping onto Amazon, which can normally absorb stuff like that. The book cost increase is gonna happen a month from now, and I won’t lie: the per-book hit isn’t horrible. It’ll still be kind of painful in the aggregate, though, so if you were planning to buy my books — or someone else’s self-published books — now is the time to do that.

Going to advertise the Tom Vargas books again.

FROZEN DREAMS, TINSEL RAIN, and TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION (Tom Vargas novella in that one), to be specific. Tom Vargas is my post-apocalyptic, fantasy pulp detective. He’s a lot of fun to write, and I have the next book of his (BANSHEE BEACH) on deck after I finish the new novel.

Anyway… three books, eleven bucks: it’s a damned good deal, frankly. Particularly in these uncertain financial times. People should buy them.


TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION* is my collection of short stories set in the post-apocalyptic world of Tom Vargas and Morgan Barod. It’s an excellent way to be introduced to the series, and starting Saturday it’ll be on sale for 99 cents! The sale is week-long, so tell all your friends. Or, you know, anyone you know who might buy the book. I don’t know how you could encourage your enemies to buy my books out of spite, but it all spends the same.

Moe Lane

*Volume I.


TINSEL RAIN goes on 99 Cent Kindle Sale next week!

So buy TINSEL RAIN today!

323% funded on Kickstarter!

Tinsel Rain returns us to the post-apocalyptic world of Cin City, glittering tinsel crown of the Kingdom of New California. When an old not-quite-friend of Shamus Tom Vargas is found dead, Tom gets pulled into a case of murder, magic, and mystery! Sinister archmages! Bodies in alleys! An actual high-speed car ride! And as many bad jokes as the author could cram in! Truly, you deserve to read this book!

Continue reading TINSEL RAIN goes on 99 Cent Kindle Sale next week!

Sixty dollars to go to $500/year!

The first day of the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 99 cent Christmas sale went well. Well enough to adjust the thermostat:

Not gonna lie: sixty more bucks in ten days is gonna be a heavy lift. But who knows? People might get Amazon gift cards for Christmas*. Every little bit helps.

*Me, I want book reviews. Get them for all the authors in your life!


Spending the afternoon learning about Amazon ads.

Amazon has this entire set of courses, and everything. I possibly should have done it before actually trying to buy ads on Amazon earlier, because I’ve already realized one thing that I did wrong. Fortunately, it was the kind of mistake that, when you make it, you don’t actually spend any money…

Moe Lane

PS: My books make excellent Christmas presents!
