Maureen Dowd most amusingly turns on Barack Obama. Just a *bit*.

I believe that the technical term for this is Mawreen Haz A Sad:

When you [Maureen is talking directly at* President Barack Obama -ML] hate being criticized, it’s hard to take a giant steaming plate of “you stink” every day, coming from all sides. But you convey the sense that any difference on substance is lèse-majesté.

You simply proclaim what you believe as though you know it to be absolutely true, hoping we recognize the truth of it, and, if we don’t, then we’ve disappointed you again.

Even some of the chatterers who used to be in your corner now make derogatory remarks about your manhood.

Continue reading Maureen Dowd most amusingly turns on Barack Obama. Just a *bit*.

WaPo uses the dread number ‘2006’ when discussing Barack Obama.

Everyone in the world – well, maybe not quite that many people – is talking about this Washington Post-ABC poll/article that suggests that Barack Obama has been merely spitting in the wind for the last month.  There’s a lot to mine in there, and not just for our side*, but this passage jumped out at me:

Although Obama’s overall approval rating is at its lowest point ever in Post-ABC polls, his disapproval is still a few points better than at its worst. That’s because more people than usual say they had no opinion. At this point, Obama’s approval rating looks only slightly better than that of President George W. Bush in the spring of 2006.

Continue reading WaPo uses the dread number ‘2006’ when discussing Barack Obama.

Ten Things Barack Obama Will Need To Do In 2015 Before Republicans Will Begin To Trust Him.

(H/T: Hot Air) Apparently Democrats are getting to the point – however privately – where they’re starting to worry about whether Barack Obama will be ‘betraying’ them next year by making deals with a GOP House and Senate.  Well, I got bad news and good news for the Democrats.  On the one hand, it’s going to be really, really hard for Republicans to believe that Barack Obama would be willing to negotiate in good faith with us.  On the other hand, there is a path of redemption for the President to take along those lines.

On the gripping hand?  Barack Obama would absolutely HATE having to do any of the below, let alone all of it.

Ten Things Barack Obama Will Need To Do In 2015 Before Republicans Will Begin To Trust Him.

  1. Fire Valerie Jarrett.
  2. Stop protecting Eric Holder. And no pardon.
  3. Directly negotiate with the Speaker of the House and the new Senate Majority Leader.
  4. Clean house in the IRS.
  5. Open up the water supply in the San [Joaquin] Valley.
  6. Sign off on the Keystone Pipeline.
  7. Formally admit that Gitmo will not be closing during his administration.
  8. Accept personal responsibility for future mistakes made by his administration.
  9. Institute regular press conferences, complete with ample time for questions.
  10. Start showing up on time for things.

Continue reading Ten Things Barack Obama Will Need To Do In 2015 Before Republicans Will Begin To Trust Him.

Barack Obama (who campaigned against signing statements) issues signing statement. Again.

Of course Barack Obama did.

President Obama on Friday signed into law a bill authored by Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz that would bar an Iranian diplomat from entering the United States, but immediately issued a statement saying he won’t enforce it.

Obama decided to treat the law as mere advice.

Like he does.  :sigh: Some people simply cannot accept it that there can be other people out there who can and will tell them what to do. Yes, I’m sure that the USA would be more fun for the President if he was actually its king. But we’re not a monarchy, and President Obama isn’t a monarch. He should learn to accept that.

At the very least, he should apologize for being so rude about signing statements when he was a Senator.  Harder than it looks once you’re in charge, eh, Barry?

Moe Lane

PS: Oops! Not enough coffee yet.  Via Hot Air Headlines.

Barack Obama cooking the Census books over #Obamacare.

There are a lot of people in the health care pundit business who are screaming about this piece of news right now: “The Census Bureau, the authoritative source of health insurance data for more than three decades, is changing its annual survey so thoroughly that it will be difficult to measure the effects of President Obama’s health care law in the next report, due this fall, census officials said.” Basically, the questions have been changed in a fashion that supposedly will make the census data collected more accurate, but will almost certainly bring in a result where the percentage of uninsured will be ‘officially’ deemed to be lower.  As the New York Times (rather glumly*) had ‘officials’ put it: “it will be difficult to say how much of any change is attributable to the Affordable Care Act and how much to the use of a new survey instrument.”

Funny how that works. Continue reading Barack Obama cooking the Census books over #Obamacare.

Quote of the Day, It Really IS Getting That Bad For @BarackObama edition.

Glenn Reynolds notes that Barack Obama isn’t just losing the game; he’s losing the spread.

If he were a Republican, the press would be screaming for impeachment. And he’s acting badly enough that, even though he’s a black Democrat, they’re beginning to take some small notice.

Mind you, in 2015 the White House is going to look back at these days and feel a little bit of nostalgia.  It’s going to seem so idyllic in comparison…

An open invitation to the American news media.

You know how the White House completely messed up its Equal Pay for Women message today, thanks to a lack of thought and a whole lot of hypocrisy? Remember how they ran for cover? Well, here’s the question, and you don’t have to say it aloud: did you enjoy it?

Continue reading An open invitation to the American news media.

Barack Obama torpedoes changes to NSA program.

Ostensibly, he’s doing something completely different: “The Obama administration is preparing to unveil a legislative proposal for a far-reaching overhaul of the National Security Agency’s once-secret bulk phone records program in a way that — if approved by Congress — would end the aspect that has most alarmed privacy advocates since its existence was leaked last year, according to senior administration officials.”


Continue reading Barack Obama torpedoes changes to NSA program.

I blame Barack Obama for Bill de Blasio’s constant lateness.

Said tardiness mentioned here: “In his short tenure in office Bill de Blasio has earned a new title, “Johnny come lately,” for his frequent tardiness at public events.”  Anyway: no, really, I do Barack Obama, and I’m not being facetious about it.  One of the first things we learned about the current Presidential administration is that when Barack Obama says that he’ll be speaking at, say, 1 PM, he actually means that he’ll start speaking at any number of points between about 1:15 and 1:40 or so.  It’s gotten to the point it worries me when Barack Obama starts on time: it invariably means that whatever has happened is not actually good news.

So I figure that Bill de Blasio has decided that if Barack Obama can get away with being rude to everybody, so can he.  This will probably end up being one of the poor career choices that Bill de Blasio will make as Mayor: the man is showing real skill at making enemies where he doesn’t have to.