Book of the Week: At the Mountains of Madness Vol 1.

This is the illustrated Francois Baranger At the Mountains of Madness, and the only reason I haven’t bought it yet is because I am trying to keep a reasonably up-to-date wish list for friends and family members trying to figure out what to get me. That can be a problem, especially when you have odd tastes. The more information, the better.

…Which is the opposite of the received wisdom of the Cthulhu Mythos, huh?


Book of the Week: Son of the Black Sword.

I need to read Larry Correia’s Son of the Black Sword again, because I need to actually get around to reading the series. I liked it! I just got distracted. Also, I was reading it when I got word about my first professional fiction sale, so I’m gonna be well-disposed towards it anyway.


Book of the Week: THE WINDS OF FATE.

THE WINDS OF FATE (sequel to Steve Stirling’s time-travel novel TO TURN THE TIDE) is coming out in a few months, but the first two chapters are up on his main site. Fair warning: this is not going to be a sentimentalized version of the Roman Empire. These folks have yet to have their version of the Enlightenment. You Have Been Warned.


Book of the Week: Master and Commander.

Why Master and Commander? Well, let me put it this way: not all men think of the Roman Empire all the time. Sometimes we think instead about April of 1805, when Napoleon was master of Europe. Only the British Navy stood before him. Oceans were now battlefields.

Admittedly, Patrick O’Brian started the series before that particular point, but you gotta start at the beginning.


Book of the Week: The Fellowship of the Ring.

It’s time. In the new year, I start with The Fellowship of the Ring, go through the entire trilogy, read The Hobbit, read the Silmarillion, and then find The Unfinished Tales, The Book of Lost Tales, and whatever other books I’ve got floating around here.

No reason. No plan. Just for the sake of doing it.


Book of the Week: Hogfather.

I have a powerful urge to sit down and read me some JRR Tolkien and Terry Pratchett. No, I don’t know why I’m not doing that, right now. Maybe because I think I’d need to get some cocoa going, first, and it’s a bit late for that.

At any rate: Hogfather by Sir pTerry is excellent. But hopefully you knew that already. I just wish they’d stop saddling his books with such awful covers…


Book of the Week: Sink the Rising Sun.

I really need to get around to reading Jon Gabriel’s SINK THE RISING SUN. I should probably warn him: there are two book-related hobbies. There is buying books, and then there is reading books. Most of the people who do the second hobby also do the first one, only more enthusiastically.

Note that I say nothing bad about those people, and not just because I am one of them. After all, they plunk the money down, don’t they? Buying books is a lovely hobby, in that regard…
