Book of the Week: COVENANTS.

Shocking, yes. And by shocking I mean No, not really. COVENANTS is certainly my Book of the Week; your mileage, as always, may vary.

Four tales of agreements! Follow along as MARIE VISITS THE CONTINENT, on a mission of delicacy, and monsters. Sally forth with Duchess Carlotta into a zombie-haunted world as she takes THE QUEST FROM CASTLE WINDERMERE. Go on a TOUR OF DUTY in the interstellar spaces between charnel worlds. And lastly, discover with our horrified narrator that, after long, long years… THE STARS ARE WRONG. Enjoy! (Four stories, fifty eight thousand words total, each with its own illustration.)


Book of the Week: This Bird Has Flown.

This Bird Has Flown is not to my usual taste, I freely admit. But its author Susanna Hoffs is. Not that I know her or anything, but it ain’t easy to just get up one day and write a book. So: I have decided that if I can do her a favor, I will. Putting up a link to her first novel (coming out in April) qualifies as such, however minor.

Book of the Week: Gray War.

Basically, Larry Correia did Peter Nealen a favor by telling everybody to read Gray War: A Pallas Group Solutions Thriller. I decided to give it a spin. I mean, five bucks, right? And God knows I wouldn’t object to getting Correia to do the same for me*.

Turns out Gray War’s a fun book that I normally wouldn’t read because it’s straight military thriller, with no supernatural or science fictional elements to it. I don’t feel bad about not reading more of that, because I have tons to read already. But I figure I’m gonna finish this series.

Continue reading Book of the Week: Gray War.

Movie of the Week: INDEPENDENCE DAY.

Swapping this in for the usual Book of the Week*. Why?

Oh, no reason…


*There’s like, this series of books, though.

PS: Yeah, it’s another spy balloon. Still. You want to watch INDEPENDENCE DAY now, don’t you?

Book of the Week: SCARLET.

It’s funny: I would normally presume on old acquaintance and discreetly hint that Genevieve Cogman might pass along an advance review copy of her upcoming vampire alternate Scarlet Pimpernel novel Scarlet – we’re both old In Nomine hands, after all. At the same time, though, I want her new book to sell when it comes out in May, so that same past history is arguing against said presumption. I have it on pre-order, and I’ll undoubtedly order it in paperback, once I’ve read the Kindle. I’m okay with that.

Book of the Week, POOR MAN’S SKY.

Wil McCarthy’s POOR MAN’S SKY is his sequel to RICH MAN’S SKY, which is an entertaining near-future space novel about what it looks like when space-obsessed trillionaires’ pipe dreams actually get turned into actual projects. I liked the first book because it actually treated said trillionaires as functional (albeit weird) human beings. Even the most unpleasant one wasn’t a cackling Bond villain, which is always nice to see. Anyway, it just came out, so I haven’t read it yet. I’ll let you know how it goes.