“Canon is a tool and not a crutch.”

This started out as a Facebook comment, but danged if it didn’t turn out half bad. I’m refraining from fiddling with it further. Oh, and obviously it’s to the tune of If You’re Happy And You Know It.

Oh, yeah, I also locked down some details about future conventions.

Got the info pack for Stellar Con York next weekend, and confirmed that I’d be doing the MD Renn Festival on October 12th. Also had to order a bunch of books for the latter one, which reminds me: buy some, will ya? Stock is what you’d call speculative*; if they don’t sell, it ties up some of my liquidity.

Moe Lane

*I had a helpful object lesson in that regard when I started vending my books. I was talking to one guy who had bought a lot of copies of his novel, on the assumption that he would need them to sell and distribute. It… did not happen, and now the inventory was a problem.

I’ve been keeping my stock under tight control ever since.


Buy my books! …Yup, the direct approach.

April has been the cruelest month, when it comes to sales. I make no secret of it – but my books are good, and I make no secret of that, either. Fantasy, horror, science fiction – I try to do it all, and sales are not the least significant way that I get enough cash to keep doing it. Tell your friends! Heck, tell your enemies, if they like good books and have money. I’m not shy.


Bad news: many of my paperbacks are going up in price next year.

I don’t actually want that to happen, obviously. But, thanks to inflation, costs are up, and prices have to go up to compensate. FROZEN DREAMS is going to stay the same price in paperback, but prices on some of the others are going to get raised to be more in line with GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND‘s.

Yeah, I’m not happy about it, either. Honestly, I should raise the prices of all my novels to $14.99, but my head’s not there yet. But it may be, soon, so now is the time to buy my books at the cheaper rates…


Hrm. Expanded Distribution on Amazon for my books: yea, or nay?

It’s an interesting question. From what I can tell, my options are either to do things like put my books up on Barnes and Noble myself, or let Amazon do it for me. Advantages to the former: more money. Lots more money. Advantages to the latter: I don’t have to reformat all my existing books myself. This stuff is work.
