Did Bob Filner (D) agree to resign if the city of San Diego agreed to cover his legal costs?

I cannot wait to find out tomorrow.

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner has agreed to resign as part of a deal reached this week with city officials, NBC 7 News has learned.

Filner, spotted leaving City Hall with packing boxes Wednesday night, will formally vacate the office following a closed session of City Council Friday, according to several sources.

Filner’s attorney has a letter of resignation drafted for his signature upon approval of the tentative settlement by councilmembers.

I’m not the only one who’s wondering that, either.  In fact, I suspect that this may end up being the default assumption.  If so, it’s a perfect description of the current Democratic Establishment: first they Bad Touch you; then they cover it all up; and even if you catch them, they still manage to stick you with the bill. Continue reading Did Bob Filner (D) agree to resign if the city of San Diego agreed to cover his legal costs?

Nancy Pelosi must resign from the House over Bob Filner coverup.

I usually try not to put things that starkly, particularly since a Republican saying that a Democrat needs to resign is going to be (justifiably) taken with a grain of salt, but… this is ridiculous.

“I blew the whistle on [Bob Filner’s sexual harassment] two years ago to the Democratic Party leadership,” former Assemblywoman Lori Saldaña said.

Saldaña said that in summer 2011 six prominent women in local politics, business and education told her that Filner had physically or verbally harassed them. Saldaña had been exploring what turned out to be an unsuccessful bid for Congress and the conversations came in the context of the 2012 elections.

Saldaña said she contacted former [California] party Chairman Jess Durfee with the allegations and Durfee was among a group of Democratic leaders who met with Filner to discuss them that summer. She said nothing happened.

Continue reading Nancy Pelosi must resign from the House over Bob Filner coverup.

Hey, how do you turn 200 full time jobs into 100 full-time, 100 part-time ones? (#obamacare)

(H/T: Hot Air) Oh, did I give the answer away in the title?  My bad.

Earlier this year, Contra Costa County won the right to run a health care call center, where workers will answer questions to help implement the president’s Affordable Care Act. Area politicians called the 200-plus jobs it would bring to the region an economic coup.

Now, with two months to go before the Concord operation opens to serve the public, information has surfaced that about half the jobs are part-time, with no health benefits — a stinging disappointment to workers and local politicians who believed the positions would be full-time.

The Contra Costa County supervisor whose district includes the call center called the whole hiring process — which attracted about 7,000 applicants — a “comedy of errors.”

Ha. Ha. Ha.  But wait!  It gets ‘better.’  Apparently the employees took this job on the understanding that it was full-time work. At least according to one anonymous employee, who says that they were told of their new status after they took the job – yeah, when you hear stuff like that? That’s when you save yourself some trouble and just up and quit right then and there.  Why? Because inevitably things like this happen. Continue reading Hey, how do you turn 200 full time jobs into 100 full-time, 100 part-time ones? (#obamacare)

Mayor Bob Filner (Democrat) to be keynote speaker at… sexual assault victim benefit.

I am somewhat pleased with myself that I never took any advantage of the license that a white Democratic male apparently has in the Democratic party:

10News has learned [San Diego] Mayor Bob Filner [Democrat] has agreed to be the keynote speaker at a benefit for sexual assault victims.

A women veterans group tells 10News the mayor’s camp has just confirmed the appearance. Filner was originally scheduled to attend as an award recipient.

The group has stripped him of the award. Instead, he is set to address the scandal now consuming City Hall.

Said scandal being in two parts: Continue reading Mayor Bob Filner (Democrat) to be keynote speaker at… sexual assault victim benefit.

Eugenics Watch: California penal system sterilizing female prisoners.

This is… not good:

Doctors under contract with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation sterilized nearly 150 female inmates from 2006 to 2010 without required state approvals, the Center for Investigative Reporting has found.

At least 148 women received tubal ligations in violation of prison rules during those five years – and there are perhaps 100 more dating back to the late 1990s, according to state documents and interviews.


Former inmates and prisoner advocates maintain that prison medical staff coerced the women, targeting those deemed likely to return to prison in the future.

But this is worse: Continue reading Eugenics Watch: California penal system sterilizing female prisoners.

California teachers’ group throwing down over forced union dues.

If this works, it would be the funniest thing EVER:

A group of California teachers is preparing for a Supreme Court battle to overturn forced union dues in a groundbreaking lawsuits filed in June.

For nearly three decades, the Supreme Court has allowed closed-shop unionism, in which public employees must pay dues to labor groups handling collective bargaining negotiations.

The Supreme Court established Beck Rights in 1988 allowing workers to opt out of union dues for political activities, while continuing to pay for union negotiating expenses. The teachers are hoping to take that battle one step further by putting an end to all coercive union dues.

Continue reading California teachers’ group throwing down over forced union dues.

California picks the WRONG DANG OCCUPIER to go Full Metal Orwell on.

Background: California Occupier anti-bank fetishist got into a pissing match with one of Bank of America’s corporate security honchos; the latter had the former arranged for vandalism after the former kept supplementing his anti-BoA rants with chalk slogans on the sidewalk.  This is nettle versus wasp territory, here: the Occupier acts incredibly entitled and the security guy seems a little too happy to use his connections to fuel the Occupier’s persecution complex. Anyway, the Occupier’s now facing jail time and fines and is not very happy that the judge won’t let him turn the whole thing into a free-speech debate.

I’m trying to find the right balance, here.

  • On the one hand, vandalism charges are there for a reason.  The idea is to inculcate a respect for public and private property by creating punishments for people who deface either (whether temporarily, or permanently).  The First Amendment doesn’t actually give somebody the right to write rude things about me on my own wall.  Or even nice things about me.
  • On the other hand, thirteen years of jail time is a steep potential penalty for writing slogans on the sidewalk in water-soluble chalk*.
  • On the gripping hand, this is California and an Occupier is fighting with a Bank of America corporate drone and there’s not a damn thing about any of this that has anything to do with me and mine** and Tea Partiers in the same situation would have gotten permission from the relevant individuals before breaking out the chalk and frankly there are about three thousand Occupiers who are infinitely more deserving of a good, solid vandalism charge or two.  Or six. Or twenty.

Continue reading California picks the WRONG DANG OCCUPIER to go Full Metal Orwell on.

What was the most barking-mad insane moment of today’s #benghazi hearing?

For me, it was probably this one. Via Twitchy:


Seriously, what. The. HELL?

Moe Lane

PS: Darrell Issa gets extra points for calling Gerry Connolly a glad-handling suckweasel there, at the end.

People asking: should San Bernardino cease to exist?

To answer Instapundit and City Journal‘s question: no, San Bernardino should not cease to exist.  Unless, of course, you want some of my tax money to keep it alive.  In that case?  Kill it quick and move on.

Oh, wait, California: you can’t do anything quick in that state anymore.  Guess they’re screwed, then.

Moe Lane

PS: I have no idea how San Bernardino can get out from under its horrifically overgenerous pension/benefits obligations.  I can suggest that it start figuring that out, though; hope that helps!

Dianne Feinstein slanders PTSD sufferers.

Alternate title: Scenes from the Gun-Grabbing Wars: Dianne Feinstein is dumber than soup.

And why is she dumber than soup? It is not entirely because of this errant nonsense:

At a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting on Thursday, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) opposed an amendment to her Assault Weapons Ban legislation that would allow military veterans to continue to buy the firearms that would be banned. Feinstein says a veteran may be mentally ill and should be prevented from purchasing firearms.

It’s because of this errant nonsense:

“The problem [said Feinstein] with expanding this is that, you know, with the advent of PTSD, which I think is a new phenomenon as a product of the Iraq War…”

“…as a product of the Iraq War.”


Wasn’t Dianne Feinstein supposed to be the bright one from California? Continue reading Dianne Feinstein slanders PTSD sufferers.