The ‘Anna and the Apocalypse’ trailer.

OK, normally I wouldn’t.

But Anna and the Apocalypse is a Christmas zombie movie musical.  That makes it legitimately of note.  It doesn’t mean that it’s going to be good; merely that they had to do some extra work to throw this sucker together.  That already puts it ahead of a lot of Christmas horror flicks.

Happy Boxing Day!

…You should have seen this post before I edited it to hide the effects of a drink-heavy dinner with my wife (my sisters and mother have taken the children out bowling). Beers and Irish coffee can have a profound effect on a man, particularly when he no longer drinks competitively. Best of all, the bar was maybe a block away, with no dangerous streets to cross while on foot and half in the bag (to quote the folk sayings of my ancestors). Whee!

I hope everybody has had a good Christmas, so far. It’s been pretty painless for me and mine, equally so far. Hope that continues until I’m safely back home…

I regret to tell you…

…that I have been ORDERED by my wife to take the dang vacation, for once. I am to relax and not foam at the mouth over deadlines, because it is CHRISTMAS and everybody else is taking the week off.  I would contest this… except, of course, I cannot.

I will still check in from time to time, over the next week or so.  When I need to RELAX and HIDE. So, probably a couple of times a day.

Two days left on two-day shipping (All the crass commercialism in one post)!

The schedule’s gonna be wonky because it’s a holiday coming up, so in no particular order:

  • Two days left for Amazon two-day shipping by Christmas!
  • Looking for that special gift for hard-working (ha!) blog-writers? Try their Patreon!
  • …Or you could contribute to the American Red Cross.
  • Or Toys for Tots. Hey, they have expenses.
  • Or the Safe Water Network; they have a good rating from Charity Navigator and I like clean water programs. Clean water and no warlords; lock those two down, and you’ve got a good shot at achieving the rest.

…So maybe that wasn’t as crassly commercial as I thought it’d be.  Ach, well. Christmas, amirite?

…Which last reminds me: I am an Amazon affiliate.

If you Christmas shop at Amazon via this link, you put money in my pocket at no cost to you. Which is always true about Amazon links generally.  I don’t bring it up, much, but it is Christmas time and people are gonna shop anyway.

Moe Lane

PS: If you don’t want to give me money I’m pretty sure that there’s still somebody else out there more to your tastes who wouldn’t mind the affiliate traffic, either. Or who might just really, really need it. I’m pretty blessed, honestly.

And up goes the Christmas tree.

We’re one of those benighted families that use an artificial tree – in our defense, we travel a lot during Christmas season – so today I finally succumbed to my kids’ nagging and we put it up.  This was the first year that the kids really noticed all those ornaments that they had to make in years gone by, so that was nice.  Now all I have to do is keep answering “I don’t know” to repeated inquiries of “Will it snow on Christmas?”…


There was a pretty good Christmas song at the supermarket tonight.  I shouldn’t have liked it, but I did; good beat. Something about how every day was Christmas when it was spent with the singer’s (female) love interest.  And now I can’t remember the name.