Answer: Pretty damned hard. This is a 1980s, heavy metal, HEAVY METAL delight:
Tag: daffy duck
Tweet of the Day, Daffy Duck Is An Underestimated Genius edition.
But not underestimated by this.
— Alex "Tropical" Forrest
(@380kmh) October 18, 2017
#rsrh Team Romney REPUDIATES any OUTSIDE reference to Obama’s racist pastor Reverend Jeremiah White.
You know. The one who said “G*d d*mn America.”
You hear that, folks? Team Romney wants to make it clear that they REPUDIATE any possible reference by scurrilous individuals about Barack Obama’s willingness to sit and listen to a race-baiting, white-hating bigot preacher for nigh-on twenty years. They probably will REPUDIATE any mentioning of the fact that said race-baiting, white-hating bigot preacher is out there telling people that the Obama campaign offered him hush money during 2008, too. Yup. They’re going to REPUDIATE it all in order to better focus on the economy, which by the way is absolutely HORRIBLE because of the President and his political party.
Hey, you want to see the press conference that Team Romney had to announce that they were going to REPUDIATE any Rev. Jeremiah Wright line of attack? Here you go:
Secret Florida primary training video leaked!
Never you mind how said training video was acquired, and/or which campaigns are going to use it to inform their operating methodology: that part’s not important. What’s important is that this is how the next week is going to look, in the run-up to the Florida primary:
Continue reading Secret Florida primary training video leaked!
FrankJ has some not-useful advice for MSNBC.
In responding to this post FrankJ noted that the underlying problem for MSNBC is that nobody particularly wants to watch them anyway, so he offered a suggestion to boost their viewership:
Maybe if they set Keith Olbermann on fire and threw him off a building, people would tune in to see that. I’d consider it. So, that’s something for them to think about.
I am startled by this advice. Surely FrankJ is acquainted with the classics? Perusing them would have revealed the obvious flaw in this plan:
What were they going to do on Tuesday night?