[UPDATE: This story is probably dubious, but my larger point stands. And, in fact, so is that bit about ‘in a just world…’]
Severed head with the mouth filled with garlic and salt and sewn shut; his heart pierced with a hawthorn stake with a silver tip; and the pockets of his clothes all carefully resown. I figure that that’s enough to be really sure. Or we could just dunk the corpse in holy water and see whether it sublimates; I think that would work, too. Let’s find out!
…Look, I hope that the man made a good confession before he died, but it’s officially Too Late Now if he hadn’t – and Castro was an evil, vicious bastard when he was alive. And his brother’s – who is, effectively, the King of Cuba, only Raul Castro rules without any of the things that make monarchies more palatable – no better. If you’re sorry Fidel Castro’s dead, then I want you to know this: in a just world, Cubans would be using his aforementioned severed head in an impromptu game of football* right now.
Moe Lane
*Not our kind. That thing that the rest of the world plays.