I regret nothing.
Tag: florida man
Tweet of the Day, Florida DUDE edition.
“Florida Man” does not have the right connotations for this exhibition of righteous stuff. Somebody buy this man beer and wings.
Via @BrianFaughnan.
Tweet of the Day, Excuse Me, I Thought This Was AMERICA edition.
I mean, yeah, dude’s gotta pay for the pole. That wasn’t his pole to smash through. But he could send in the cash for it… what? Well, obviously he can’t write a check, can he? Dude’s on the lam! Sheesh.
Via @SonnyBunch.
Tweet of the Day, I Know ‘Florida Man’ Is Just A Reporting Illusion But DAMN edition.
It really is. As I understand it, Florida is a big state with unique disclosure rules when it comes to criminal cases. That means a decent reporter can get the kind of details that makes for good copy; and, when you find a good well, you go back to it. That’s all, really.
And yet.
Tweet of the Day, It’s Florida Men All The Way Down edition.
(H/T: Instapundit) I understand that the ‘Florida Man’ meme is unfair. The state does full-disclosure on crimes, so reporters know there’s a well of crazy stuff there to mine.
And yet.
So. Assuming that this story is correct, Florida highway interactions can start with bumping cars on the highway, speeding up, slowing down, brandishing a firearm, having someone respond by firing a gun through his own windshield, and then having the gunman call the cops himself to report in the incident as a warning to future highway wrongdoers. But that’s not what fascinates me.
This fascinates me.
Continue reading Tweet of the Day, It’s Florida Men All The Way Down edition.Florida Man keeps giving inert grenades to Goodwill.
Any other state, I’d be wondering if this is domestic terrorism. But, well, Florida. When they finally find the guy who keeps dropping these off, dollars to donuts he’s gonna be legitimately shocked at the news that he’s in trouble.
Continue reading Florida Man keeps giving inert grenades to Goodwill.For the second time in a year, a grenade landed — but did not detonate — at a Goodwill store in Port St. Lucie, police said.
Officers evacuated the store for 90 minutes. A bomb squad technician determined the grenade was inert.
A similar scene played out at another Goodwill store in the 1600 block of Southwest St. Lucie West Boulevard on July 27.
Via Facebook.
Ha! I beat @_FloridaMan!
…I got three out of five.
I only got two of these right pic.twitter.com/mcnN6G4NdL
— Florida Man (@_FloridaMan) October 13, 2016
The $1000 question was one of those embarrassing ones, though: I completely guessed that one wrong, and felt ashamed when I heard the answer. Because, duh. Of course. I should have known it. Watch the video, and you’ll see what I mean.
Tweet of the Day, This Story Doesn’t Pass @_FloridaMan’s BS Detector edition.
That’s devastating. And embarrassing for everybody who reprinted the alleged story about the guy who accidentally married his own granddaughter. Then again, Florida Man is wise in the ways that his homeland typically warps the space-time-good-taste continuum…
Hi @ComplexMag, the site you pulled this from was only created 3 days ago and the story is probably fake. Congrats on being gullible pic.twitter.com/A7Tmcs0d89
— Florida Man (@_FloridaMan) October 3, 2016
Florida Man representing Corey Lewandowski is… Florida Man.
I’m with the Asian woman behind Corey Lewandowski (who has been arrested for misdemeanor battery). Like her, I can’t help but feel that this isn’t what I ordered, either. I was promised something different than this, dammit.
Trump's campaign manager is represented by a Florida lawyer who maybe once bit a stripper https://t.co/BwX2sEwPIP pic.twitter.com/sWbUfoufVJ
— GQ Magazine (@GQMagazine) March 29, 2016
What’s that? It’s not quite Florida Man territory yet? …Well, the lawyer (Kendall Coffey) in question was an US Attorney at the time who then went on to be one of the lawyers in Bush v. Gore. For the Democrats.
Yeah. Now it’s Florida Man.
My RedState post on Alan Grayson’s Congressional hedge fund.
Found here. Short version: Alan Grayson was actually managing a hedge fund while in office. And he still doesn’t understand why his own campaign staff was and is screaming at him over that. Because, hey, Alan Grayson.