#rsrh HI, Charlie Crist! You see that thing about Connie Mack?

About how he’s not running for Senate in Florida?

And did you notice how there’s a wide-open field to challenge an increasingly-vulnerable Nelson in 2012?

And do you remember how people told you, back in 2010, that you should swallow your pride, make a deal with Marco Rubio and drop out, and position yourself for 2012?

You do?  Great!


Moe Lane

(H/T @BrianFaughnan)

CPAC 2011: Al Cardenas.

He’s the new head of the ACU, and we had a bit of a general talk on that, and CPAC. Al Cardenas has a pretty compelling story: it constantly amazes me why Communist dictatorships were so determined to keep sending us top-shelf immigrants. Oh, right: it’s because Marxism is intellectualism for stupid people.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kGUjnkYpOE Continue reading CPAC 2011: Al Cardenas.

CPAC 2011: Allen West (R, FL-22).

I may have gloated a little over the “Congressman” bit: but then, FL-22 was one of the ten or so that most of us really, really, really wanted to get last November. Pleasant to have gotten this one, then.

Rep. West did a blogger availability and the CPAC keynote speech shortly afterward; you can see part of the first and the whole of the second here.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

The rising tide of left-wing violence?

Back about two weeks ago, Media Matters was duly upset about Glenn Beck saying that “there seems to be a mounting call for violence from the left:”

[Video not working: sorry.]

Oddly: as of 7:37 AM, 12/16/2010, Media Matters has precisely zero to say about would-be class warrior Clay Duke. Clay Duke is, of course, the guy who decided to Fight The Power by walking into a Florida school board with a handgun, spray-paint a “V for Vendetta” left-wing gang symbol on the wall, then try to shoot a couple of people before turning the gun on himself. He’s of interest because, as Transterrestrial Musings and The Blaze note, his Facebook page (since sanitized) is a long, extended paean to the Paranoid Left, including a general links list which includes such sites as Indymedia, Wikileaks, and… Media Matters for America. Continue reading The rising tide of left-wing violence?

Clinton tried to get Meek out of FL-SEN race.

So, let’s sum up the White House’s thinking on how to salvage the Florida Senate race, five days before the election. They had a choice between:

  • The guy who is a former state trooper, former state Democratic legislator, four-term Democratic Congressman, and the duly-chosen Democratic nominee for FL-SEN black; and
  • The guy who is a long-term Republican legislator and current governor of Florida who has shamelessly switched positions on every single ideological and/or political stance that might get him more votes white.

Which one do you think that they picked?

That’s right, they went with the white dude: they sent former President Clinton to try to get Kendrick Meek to drop out of the race, and apparently almost succeeded. Sure, the White House is claiming to not know anything about any of this – but then, they would. Alas, that argument doesn’t pass the smell test. The message was sent using Bill Clinton – and Clinton’s own people are confirming, on the record, that he was actively working to get Meek to drop – and that just doesn’t happen unless it’s cleared at the top. The very top*. Continue reading Clinton tried to get Meek out of FL-SEN race.

CNN calls Alex Sink (D CAND, FL-GOV) a liar.

And no, it wasn’t Erick who did that. It was John King.

Background: there was a debate on Monday night between Alex Sink and Republican Rick Scott. There had been an agreement beforehand that there would be no notes or outside help… and Sink promptly ignored said agreement by taking advice from a campaign staffer via cell phone. The staffer has since been fired; and that might have been it… except that Sink last night decided to double down on stupid by claiming that she didn’t know that the call had been politically-related when she took it. Relevant quote: “…the makeup artist held up her phone and said ‘I just got this message, I don’t know who it’s from…'”

CNN says… no, actually, that’s not what we heard.


Relevant quote there: “But we listened very closely to the audio, and the makeup artist, when she approached Alex Sink, said ‘I have a message from the staff.’ And at that point they looked, it was on a cell phone, it was two sentences…” Continue reading CNN calls Alex Sink (D CAND, FL-GOV) a liar.

I believe that the FL-SEN race is now over.

When your second-place candidate (Crist) is reduced to heckling the first-place candidate (RUBIO) during an actual debate you can safely assume that the second-place candidate has given up on trying to win and is now merely trying to see just how spectacular a fireball that he can generate on impact.

So, how spectacular?

Answer? Quite spectacular, really. Then again, Crist was always a bit… gassy.

Moe Lane (crosspost) Continue reading I believe that the FL-SEN race is now over.

#rsrh Charlie Crist has done the impossible…

…he’s made me regret a couple of rude things that I’ve said about a Democrat.  Take a gander at this:

Kendrick Meek will never be on my Christmas card list; but he’s a better man than Charlie Crist. And I don’t want that assessment weakened by the fact that Crist is a duplicitous, two-faced mother[expletive deleted].

Moe Lane


#rsrh I need to apologize.

Recently, I compared Alan Grayson to an ex-KGB agent who was now engaged in a second career as a Mafia pimp.  I don’t know what I was thinking: the KGB tried not to hire babbling fools, and neither does the Mafia.

Incompetent babbling fools, at that.

The short version: Grayson just got caught by the papers indulging in some sloppy video editing to make it look liked Daniel Webster said the exact opposite of what he did say*.  You can see the original video here (complete with Grayson’s habitual aroma of eau de fearstink): below are Webster’s actual remarks.

As my colleague Erick Erickson just noted, Grayson’s the kind of politician who would attack his opponent’s daughter for being a thespian.  And remember: Grayson is one of the netroots’ paragons.  They’d clone this doofus, if they could.

Moe Lane

*Extra points: he’s got a female staffer to make his excuses for him.  I wonder if she had to be the one to have to explain away the ‘whore’ comment?  Did she get drunk that night, and cry a little?

No, I’m actually sympathetic.  It’s not easy to find a job, these days.  Sometimes you have to do what needs to be done, and worry about the hit to your self-respect later.