If you’re interested in passing that information around, you can tell folks to sign up for launch notifications here, or the mailing list here. I’m trying to hit a target of 35 Kickstarter followers for this project, and every little bit helps. For that matter, if you know somebody who needs a distraction feel free to send ’em this link to FROZEN DREAMS. Because, really, every little bit helps.
Tag: frozen dreams
You are running out of time to get a signed copy of FROZEN DREAMS at list price! (plus shipping)
Get in on it before I close down the store in anticipation of the new Kickstarter!
Plus: if we hit 100% ($10/physical tier) at the preorder store, I will give away 5 physical copies on Goodreads!
Tell your friends today, because supplies of signed copies are limited!
I have a limited number of Audible promotional codes for FROZEN DREAMS.
If you missed the Kickstarter, have already used up your code for the month (click here if you haven’t), and haven’t gotten it via signing up for Audible (click here to do that)… I have a limited number of Audible codes. Leave a comment or contact me via the… Contact Me form. First come, first served.
The link below also works, mind you.
Prepping for the remote game session Friday.
It’s the $250 Kickstarter tier session for FROZEN DREAMS: obviously, $250 buys a certain amount of actual prep work, but I’ve done this adventure before and I know how it’s going to go, generally. The trick is keeping seven people entertained at once, but that’s why we run con games, right? Sweat more now, bleed less later, and all that.
I am debating whether to put in more than one gaming session tier for the next Kickstarter, though. I don’t know whether anybody would sign up for it; but then, I didn’t expect anybody to sign up for the last one, either. Gotta think about it some more.
So that was what I was doing today.
Happy benchmark to FROZEN DREAMS: 150th *sale*!
It happened today: in addition to a very successful Kickstarter, today I got my 150th actual purchase of FROZEN DREAMS on Amazon! Not Kickstarter fulfilment, not from the pre-order store: no-fooling actual sales, money on the barrelhead and all that. I would like to thank everybody who bought, reviewed, and recommended the book: I couldn’t have done it without you folks. It’s very appreciated.
Moe Lane
PS: The next book (short story collection) is being beta-read, while the next novel is being alpha-read, and the next Tom Vargas novel is being plotted out in advance of NaNoWriMo. I am, as one might say, still on the job.
FROZEN DREAMS audiobook now on Amazon.
Yeah, I mentioned it last night. When nobody was online. So I’m putting up the link to the audiobook for FROZEN DREAMS again for your perusal – besides, this is the all real and official Amazon link anyway.
FROZEN DREAMS now on Audible!
At last. Check FROZEN DREAMS out here and feel free to spend your monthly credit on it! Or spend the twenty bucks for the Audible version. …And now you know why they sell subscriptions to Audible.
Copy of the print book below if you’re looking for the dead tree version.
The FROZEN DREAMS Goodreads Giveaway project is at 30%. Sign up today!
30% of the way there!
If we hit 100% ($10/$30 physical tiers only) at the preorder store, I will give away 5 physical copies on Goodreads!
Tell your friends today, because supplies of signed copies are limited!
It’s Labor Day! Check out the FROZEN DREAMS Goodreads Giveaway project!
30% of the way there! If we hit 100% ($10/$30 physical tiers only) at the preorder store, I will give away 5 physical copies on Goodreads! How exciting!
30% along on the Goodreads Giveaway!
Seven more physical book orders of FROZEN DREAMS at the Backerkit store and I give away five signed copies at Goodreads! Huzzah, as has been said in the past. And possibly the future, as well. Maybe we’ll bring the word back.