Honest Trailers was… exasperated about MATRIX: RESURRECTIONS, I think. I haven’t actually sat down to watch it yet. I haven’t been able to watch anything lately. And yes, that kind of sucks.
Tag: honest trailers
I did in fact pick up on the gay elements in VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE. Or at least some of them: the video snapshot below points out one I missed (yeah, I don’t know how that eluded me, either). Honest Trailers also points out that it’s a fun movie, which I agree with completely. Almost operatic, as I’ve said elsewhere. They should sing arias in the next one.
The DUNE Honest Trailer.
Am I the only person who knew going in that DUNE was a two-parter? Because it feels that way, sometimes. I mean, it was pretty obvious that you couldn’t stuff the entire book into one movie.
The Hackers Honest Trailer.
Warning! Do not watch this Honest Trailer if you are susceptible to Nostalgia Cringe. Yes, my children: HACKERS is what we once thought the computer world would be like. Forgive us: we had no idea how it would all go down.
The STAR WARS: VISIONS Honest Trailer.
Dagnabbit, I forgot STAR WARS: VISIONS was out. Thanks, Honest Trailers!
The Blasphemous DUNE Honest Trailer.
Mind you, it’s been years since I’ve seen DUNE. I might be remembering it through the veil of nostalgia. I certainly remember being bugged by the last scene…
…No, let’s go with my first instinct.
The JUNGLE CRUISE Honest Trailer.
I liked JUNGLE CRUISE more than Honest Trailers did, although they didn’t drip acid onto their review, or anything. I mean, it’s a big old dumb action movie and we all knew that going in. Full points for HT’s kick-in-the-groin of Disney over presumed Chinese self-censorship, mind. I hadn’t considered that, until they pointed it out.
The ‘Useful to Mine’ SNAKE EYES Honest Trailer.
I had no interest in seeing SNAKE EYES before, and I have none now.
However, the following movies (all of which were mentioned by Honest Trailers) sound interesting:
…which is itself a judgement on SNAKE EYES, huh?
The LOKI Honest Trailer.
I am, like, so behind on stuff.
Having had some time to digest it, I think I like LOKI the best of the Disney+ shows so far. Mostly because Tom Hiddleston loves playing this character more than any other MCU actor, with the possible exception of Chris Hemsworth. I’m definitely looking forward to the second season.
Moe Lane
The SPACE JAM: A NEW LEGACY Honest Trailer.
Entertainingly vicious. And I appreciate how Honest Trailers watched SPACE JAM: A NEW LEGACY so that I wouldn’t have to. That’s always nice.