What, no screenshots?

Surely keyboards had a Print Screen button in 1991:

A search to recover the very first web page has unearthed a relic from 1991.

The page turned up after Cern launched a public appeal for files, hardware and software from the web’s earliest days.

The original page is missing because the web’s creators did not preserve the early work they did on what has become a historic document.

Unfortunately, other potential finds from the same era on that old computer remain hidden because the password for it has been forgotten.

Continue reading What, no screenshots?

My “The Internet Goes To Washington” ripoff of @SooperMexican.

Yeah, this is pretty much how it goes.

God knows that I can’t claim to be above it all, either – as witnessed by the fact that this post is essentially a retweet with comments enabled. Don’t think about that too hard.

…You know what the Internet needs?

One of those universal symbols for I was going to write a post on something, only I realized that I didn’t actually care enough to bother to write a post, only there’s no way to indicate my essential disinterest without actually writing the post, which kind of defeats the purpose of saying that I actually really and truly don’t care enough to bother.

It should be a yellow-and-black warning symbol; you could put it up, attach a link to whatever it was that made you roll your eyes, and then not have to address it again.

Or something.  Sorry: lack of coffee.

Moe Lane

#rsrh You’d think nobody’s ever caused a netrooter to flip out before.

The reaction to this has been a fascinating thing to watch, on both sides. Maybe I’m just Old-School, but it’s not exactly shocking to me that there are Left-blogosphere sites that will start screaming at the drop of a hat; this used to happen all the time, you know.  It’s just that the Left-Sphere has been long since gelded into being cheer/yell leaders for the Democratic Establishment, and the Right-Sphere has long since graduated to going after the Democratic Establishment.

For some reason, this just seems to be the epitome of it all:

Forty bucks for a two hour debate?  Dear God but these people are pikers: try one thousand per hour, Sparky, topic set in advance, and keep your hands off of the mute button.  Assuming that I even feel like accepting that, either: after all, it might interfere with my election coverage. Continue reading #rsrh You’d think nobody’s ever caused a netrooter to flip out before.

#rsrh Staff on GOP re-election campaigns, please read.

I’m not going to mince words: keep your C0ngressmen and Senators from voting for the Stopping Online Privacy Act.  If they do vote for it, do not promise them access to online grassroots support; if this thing passes, I for one will be checking voting records as part of the process of deciding whether or not to help out a particular Republican legislator*.  I won’t be the only one, either.

And – forgive me for saying this – I don’t really care what the motivation was for a ‘yes’ vote.  I’m already pushing the limits of my tolerance by giving ostensible Republicans/conservatives a pass if the bill itself doesn’t.

Moe Lane

*Staff on Democratic re-election campaigns, please note: for your people I’ll be doing that whether SOPA passes or not.  There’s a heck of a lot of online cross-party and cross-ideology opposition to this bill; it’s going to be a digital albatross around the neck of anybody who votes for it, and a wise adviser will advise his or her boss to avoid the initial shooting.

#rsrh NBC is a bunch of humorless toads.

Which you knew already – MSNBC, after all – but CrunchGear confirms it with this report that NBC has canned the person who uploaded the Couric/Gumbel video from 1994 where they were asking what this ‘Internet’ thing was.


CrunchGear went on to note that people weren’t laughing at Couric & Gumbel, just with them.  Well… possibly there was a little bit of laughing at them, but nothing malicious, I swear.  In 1994 I was just starting to use Mosaic (remember that?) to look up things at school while relying on AOL* for most of my online needs.  No Google.  Hell, no Yahoo.com until later.  I don’t want to go all stone knives and bear skins here, but this was back in the day, computationally speaking.  Just because those questions sound stupid now didn’t mean that they sounded stupid back then.

But you know what is stupid?  Making this thing more of a story than it needed to be.  Firing somebody for uploading 89 seconds of slightly embarrassing video could end up being a bit more of a hit to NBC’s reputation than the video itself…

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh NBC is a bunch of humorless toads.

Lo, look upon this Inter-net, viewers…

“It also has a… CD-ROM player.”

I shouldn’t mock; it’s not nice.  On the other hand, fifteen or twenty years from they’re going to be mocking our earnest prognostications about the future, so I might as well.  On the gripping hand, this video does remind me that I still need to pick up Where’s My Jetpack?: A Guide to the Amazing Science Fiction Future that Never Arrived