The terrifying thing is, this guy probably thought that he was reaching out.
It is, of course, endlessly fascinating just how far a liberal will go to avoid noticing that the default option in pretty much any cop/Occupier confrontation these days will involve professional protesters (read: typically either progressives, or liberal Democrats) on one side and unionized (read: usually Democratic-affiliated) policemen following the orders of urban elected officials (read: usually Democrats) on the other. Conservatives have about as much oversight over the process as we do over their primaries, which I am starting to suspect is what the Occupy movement is starting to serve as a proxy for, in a demented sort of way. Certainly the Democratic establishment would want to turn it into one; after all, under current circumstances they can rather easily “stuff the ballot box,” as it were…
At any rate, I invite the Occupiers to start cleaning their own house, if they don’t like being pepper-sprayed. It’s not the VRWC’s fault that their own party establishment hates them.
Moe Lane
PS: As always: I figure that if I get this kind of response then I’m doing something right. If you agree, feel free to hit the tip jar.