Vice President Joe Biden is the sort of person who must be taken everywhere twice: the second time, to apologize*.
Gaffe-prone Vice President Joe Biden backtracked yesterday from comments he made at a Democratic fund-raiser in Manhattan that were widely viewed as an endorsement of Gov. Paterson’s re-election.
Speaking of Paterson Monday night, the loose-lipped Biden said, “Your once and future governor of the state of New York has been extremely generous to Barack and me and has been a major part of us trying to put this economy back together.
The New York Post goes into more, possibly even loving, detail (including a greatest hits recap of his gaffes as VP: which is impressive, considering that it’s only June) – and why would they not be loving? Biden gives them copy every time he opens his mouth. Good copy, for them: for the rest of us, well, not so much. I’ve been spoiled by eight years of having a functional sort of person being placed in that spot: the new arrangement isn’t nearly as satisfactory. In fact, the idea of ever having to write “Joe Biden, President of the United States! Dear God!” fills me with existential dread. Which may have been a calculation.
Or, as Don Surber (H/T) put it: “Well, they said if I voted for Sarah Palin we would put an imbecile one heartbeat from the presidency. I did… and they were right!”
Moe Lane Continue reading Whom the Gods would destroy, they first send Joe Biden: David Paterson edition.