The ‘Doom Desert in the Decanter of Delirium Zine’ Kickstarter.

Full title: Doom Desert in the Decanter of Delirium Zine: A Psychedelic 5e Adventure Zine for Four to Six Characters of Level 1 – 2. It’s a small project by somebody I know, and the dude doing it is just having fun. Since I like to have fun, too, I backed it. Check it out.

The Secret World-North America TTRPG Savage Worlds and 5E Kickstarter has funded!

Just over a day to go on the The Secret World-North America TTRPG Savage Worlds and 5E Kickstarter:

Continue reading The Secret World-North America TTRPG Savage Worlds and 5E Kickstarter has funded!

Coming Soon: the Fear The Forgotten Foes Kickstarter. (Back it!)

Fear the Forgotten Foes is an upcoming 5e Kickstarter being run by Tuz, who is the dude who will be fiddling with the manuscript for my upcoming crowdfunding project. It also features art by Ben Fleuter, who was the artist for my upcoming crowdfunding project. So, basically, I’m recommending you join me in signing up for notifications for this Kickstarter. Obviously.

The Secret World-North America TTRPG Kickstarter begins in a week.

Star Anvil Studios is offering the North America supplement to their Secret World TTRPG in both 5e and Savage Worlds, which is nice. I’m almost certainly going to pick the Savage Worlds version, too. It just feels like less of a kludgy fit than 5e would.

I should run this game at a convention. Heck, I should go to a gaming convention. The only problem there is, if I spend the money for an attendee’s badge, I might as well get a vendor’s badge, and then there’s gonna be little time for gaming…

The upcoming “The Secret World- North America” Kickstarter.

It looks like they’re actually giving the game line some support: The Secret World- North America looks like it’ll be both 5e and Savage Worlds, too. I will almost certainly be grabbing it for the latter. I’m sorry, but 5e is a clumsy fit for a lot of game worlds: which is to say, ones that were not designed with D&D 5e in mind.

But never mind me.

The Terry Pratchett’s Discworld RPG: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork Kickstarter.

I link to Terry Pratchett’s Discworld RPG: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork, but I do not back it, because I simply do not have the money at this time to do so. I’m not in financial trouble, but we had extensive and expensive electrical work done last month. Austerity is thus the rule of the day.

Continue reading The Terry Pratchett’s Discworld RPG: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork Kickstarter.

Doing postage on the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 Kickstarter rewards.

Can’t mail them out today, because scheduling stuff, but I could calculate postage, so I did. …Oof. I knew it was going to be this bad, and I even budgeted it to be this bad, but seeing the money drain from my accounts still hurt like the dickens. I very well may have to raise my shipping rates for the next Kickstarter, and I am absolutely going to continue not having a foreign option. I’m sorry about that, but the fees are too damned high, and people can get the books locally.

If you did miss the Kickstarter, feel free to purchase TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2: LIGHTS IN THE DARKNESS directly!
