The Revolution will be coordinated from pricy hotels.

Huh.  Doesn’t scan.

But never mind that, Comrade.  Surely it must be understood that oversight of the glorious proletarian class struggle against the capitalist bosses and their running-dog international banker lackeys requires a full effort from those chosen to speak on behalf of the workers, yes?  And since the Struggle has reached a critical moment, the stresses on, and expectations of, those individuals so chosen are at their highest point.  It is well understood that at such moments of crisis that resources must be allocated with an eye to the higher aims of the Revolution, and not necessarily to a sentimental devotion to faux-egalitarian thinking.  As has been said: “From each, according to his ability. To each, according to his needs!

It is thus obvious that the needs of the Struggle absolutely requires the use of $700/night hotel rooms as an alternative to commutes. Continue reading The Revolution will be coordinated from pricy hotels.

Three predictions about the #OWS “Bat-signal.” (NSFW)

(Via @WilliamAmos) The one that got put on the Verizon Building.

In order:

  1. The woman who agreed to let her apartment be used (note that I’m not making it easier to trace her by mentioning her name) will be evicted for this, in about… nine months or so.  Mayor Bloomberg and his crew are sneaks that way.  They’ll wait.
  2. When – not ‘if’ – it happens, Mark Read won’t give a shit.
  3. Neither will Boing Boing.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Moe Lane

#RSRH A friendly reminder to NY-08 voters: Jerry Nadler LOVES Occupy Wall Street.

As I understand it, actual residents of the district are sufficiently enraged, infuriated, disgusted and distressed by the plague-ridden  squatters that were recently forcefully reminded that they happen to live in a civilization with actual rules that said residents are now making it clear that if the city caves and lets the squatters come back then there will be troubleLawyer trouble.  It’s hard to blame them… actually, it’s impossible to blame them; after all, the Occupiers have the typical Activist Left bad habit of simultaneously worshiping the concept of the People, and being utterly contemptuous of the actual , not-Activist Left people around them.  I generally start grinding my teeth after half an hour in the presence of your standard Occupier-type, so I can only imagine what months of forced proximity to these people must be like.

Which probably explains why NY-08’s Jerry Nadler is considerably happier with the Occupiers than his constituents are: he doesn’t have to deal with them every day.   Although he may like the Occupiers more than he does his own constituents… Continue reading #RSRH A friendly reminder to NY-08 voters: Jerry Nadler LOVES Occupy Wall Street.

#rsrh Some fascinating volley/counter-volleys on Zuccotti Park fumigation. #OWS

This is what Letting Small Problems Turn Into Big Ones looks like.

  • Volley (via Jammie Wearing Fools): The cops went into Zuccotti Park in an early-morning sweep-and-clear this morning to clean out the fetid, squalid, crime-ridden, and generally disgusting eyesore that has been fermenting there for the last month under the guise of a ‘protest movement’ (Frank Miller’s comment on what sort of movement the Occupiers actually represent is appeals to me, by the way).  There were arrests; many, many arrests.  And then came the disinfectant.
  • Counter-volley (via Hot Air): The Occupiers found a reliable judge to issue a temporary restraining order.  Shockingly, she’s a hardcore ACLU type.
  • Counter-counter-volley: The City of New York will need a, ah, clarification on the TRO before they can act on it.  Which I think establishes that Occupy Wall Street has outstayed its welcome on City soil.
  • Occupy Wall Street rushes onto the tennis court, drops its pants, and defecates all over it: Occupiers break into Trinity Church, cops converge and make more arrests.

…and they can get on with it, at this point.

#OWS protesters verbally abuse black man.

(Via Instapundit) Unlike Jonah Goldberg, I can still find plenty of good adjectives to describe this clip of Occupier jackasses screaming racially-tinged abuse at an African-American security guard (NSFW, due to language and, well, Occupiers):

Let’s see: there’s ‘racist,’ ‘intolerant,’ and ‘bigoted.’  Then there’s ‘smelly,’ ‘funky,’ ‘filthy,’ ‘dirty,’ and ‘lice-ridden.’  Moving on, we go to ‘unemployed,’ unemployable,’ ‘useless,’ ‘dysfunctional,’ ‘undesirable,’ ‘unfit,’ and of course ‘pathetic.’

And, lastly?  ‘Desperate.’  I like that one quite a bit, because it works on a variety of levels.  Especially the one where you contemplate that the Occupiers originally started out laboring under the delusion that they, and folks like the security guard, were on the same side.  And that folks like the security guard recognized it, and would partner with the Occupiers because of it.  Under the Occupiers’ benevolent leadership, of course.

But – as you can see – nobody gets meaner faster than a self-righteous professional liberal who’s just had his or her worldview punctured by pesky objective reality again…

Moe Lane (crosspost)

#OWS Occupy London Stock Exchange not showing up on standard thermal scans.

It’s the funniest thing.  You know Western civilization?  That patriarchal, logocentric, heteronormative collection of imperial hubris, Gaeacidal ideology, facist-capitalist-authoritarian economics, and war-worshipping mindset that continually oppresses the organizationally challenged and seeks to dismiss the concerns of the differently-paradigmed?  Yeah, those folks.  You know what their phallocentric engineer-destroyers have been doing while more enlightened people have been conducting on-street seminars on the inherent privilege found in semiotic analysis of protest communication – at least, said analysis that is insufficiently diverse so as to accept the profound meaning implied by unconstrained grammar and nonrestricted spelling*?   Can you guess?

Well, I’ll tell you: they went out and invented thermal imaging. Which is, of course, something that lets you look at a bunch of tents and determine whether they’ve got people in them or not. In fact, London’s Daily Mail sent out a person with a thermal imaging camera to Occupy London Stock Exchange late one night and discovered that the answer was mostly not: Continue reading #OWS Occupy London Stock Exchange not showing up on standard thermal scans.

#rsrh #OWS Occupy Oakland ends in tears, tear gas.

(H/T: Verum Serum) Or should that be ‘tear gas, tears?’  More cause-and-effect that way:

Early Tuesday, the city began ousting protesters who have camped out for two weeks at the Occupy Oakland tent city on Frank H. Ogawa Plaza. Police started assembling around the tent city at 14th Street and Broadway at about 3 a.m.

I am afraid that I have perhaps not the greatest sympathy in the world for these people, which might have been made clear by my visible surprise that the Oakland city fathers did not follow the example of then-Mayor Moonbeam and use wooden bullets to disperse the protesters.

And… that’s all that pretty much has to be said about Occupy Oakland, huh?  – Unless they come back, that is.

An #OWS PSA for the voters in NY-08.

Focusing particularly on the voters within audible (and olfactory) range of Zuccotti Park, which is currently the somewhat squalid epicenter for the protesters: I am given to understand that increasing numbers of them are tired of the noise, the disruption of local business and residential life, and, of course, the defecation*.  I am also given to understand that those voters are not really getting any sort of real response to their concerns, mostly because the authorities tacitly accept the notion that a bunch of squatters get to have a say in this discussion:

“We really, really want to be good neighbors. We want to be involved with the community here,” said Tyler Combelic, an “Occupy Wall Street” protester.

Let me just drill down on this: the Occupy Wall Street movement has no right to the term ‘neighbor’ in this context.  The movement does not own any real estate in the area.  It does not rent any real estate in the area.  It certainly does not pay municipal taxes in the area.  Occupy Wall Street protesters are squatters.  The best upgrade to that status that they can hope to achieve would be that of guests.  And for the record: when a host asks a guest to keep it down, the polite – and prudent – guest does not give his or her host an argument about it.  The guest instead keeps it down. Continue reading An #OWS PSA for the voters in NY-08.

#rsrh Multiple sexual assault allegations at #OWS.

By my count, there’s credible evidence from this Verum Serum [link fixed] post alone that it’s happened at five Occupy Whatever locations*: a rape accusation in Cleveland, an assault arrest in NYC, sexual harassment allegations in Oakland, a sexual assault allegation in Portland, and a suggestion that Occupy Baltimore is actively attempting to preemptively discourage the reporting any future attacks or assaults: Continue reading #rsrh Multiple sexual assault allegations at #OWS.

Anti-semitism on casual display at Occupy LA. #OWS

I apologize for spoiling your morning coffee like this.

You know, when this video from came out, I invoked the 48 Hour Rule as a matter of course. For those who don’t know, the 48 Hour Rule is one of those useful rules of thumb that people come up with to make sure that they don’t get burned on a story; if something sounds too good to be true, or too bad to be true, or even just too much to be true, it’ll probably be debunked pretty quickly. 48 hours is usually enough time to establish that. And I was optimistically certain that this was the case, here: surely the LA school system hadn’t really employed somebody calling for the expulsion of the Jews.

I think that the Zionist Jews who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, which is not run by the federal government, they need to be run out of this country.” – Patricia McAllister

I know. I am charmingly naive. Continue reading Anti-semitism on casual display at Occupy LA. #OWS