That’s the ‘Cold Irony.’ It’s just elves, man. Freaking elves. And, trust me: they were all bad.
Tag: patreon microfiction
Patreon Microfiction: Ergognomics.
The theme of ‘Ergognomics’ is not unknown in science fiction. The entire concept of diffusion of innovation is really very fascinating; there’s a fairly close alternate timeline where I’m an academic who specialized in it. …And wouldn’t that world be weird.
Patreon Microfiction: Count Your Blessings.
I’m not fond of time travel, as a rule. The ethical issues are myriad, honestly. But ‘Count Your Blessings’ is there to remind you that maybe the only worse thing than changing the past might be changing the past back.
Patreon Microfiction: Soul-Red Roses.
‘Soul-Red Roses’ suggests that not every supernatural manifestation is flashy. There are other implications, but I’ll leave them as an exercise for the interested reader. No need to pound a metaphor into the ground.
Patreon Microfiction: Delusions.
Well, there’s certainly some kind of Delusions going on here. But who’s having them? ‘Tis an interesting question.
Patreon Microfiction: Grinding.
You kind of want to hope that this is true, right? I mean, it’d really suck if grinding was horrible for your character. Then again, if my characters could think and feel I’d never put them through my games…
Patreon Microfiction: ‘Be Forgot.’
I guess the moral for ‘Be Forgot’ is that it ain’t easy out there for an anthropomorphic representation. Although this particular one has been cursed with the metaphysical equivalent of perfect hearing. Couple that with a state of non-metaphysical profound drunkenness, and, well…
Patreon Microfiction: “All is Calm.”
“All is Calm” represents a certain moral flexibility on both sides after a very, very long War. Five thousand years ago, they’d have been shoving flaming swords into each other — but five thousand years is a long time, even for immortals. You have to get on with the job.
Patreon Microfiction: ‘Out of Charge.’
Is ‘Out of Charge’ really fantasy? I mean, obviously you can quantify things. That kind of makes it science fiction, with weird physics.
Patreon Microfiction: Practical Physics.
Although… don’t we have something like what’s going on in ‘Practical Physics’? That entire situation where quantum mechanics and general relativity are inconsistent with each other in some places, but you can use either theory to do things. Or something like that. I just write books.