Patreon Microfiction: Rest Cure.

Seriously, ‘Rest Cure’ points out what I think is an under-examined wrinkle in the entire ‘personal apotheosis’ thing: why are we assuming higher-dimensional beings are just going to be blandly welcoming? We’d be popping in out of nowhere, with no relevant life skills from their point of view. I mean, sure, well done and everything with transcending your lower-dimensional prison. …What did you expect to do now?

My new Patreon video! (Join my Patreon!)

Let me also note that I’ve made private most of my pre-2016 content. I will be going in there later to put back up the absolute best of the political content, but I don’t do that anymore for a living and virtually nobody was watching the old stuff anyway. If anybody knows of a way to migrate them to a politics-only subchannel (or easily to a new one), I’ll do that instead.

Patreon Microfiction: Scorpio Five.

I dunno if ‘Scorpio Five’ is best suited for a novel, or a TTRPG setting. The reason I wonder about the latter is that if you run a game in it the players are immediately gonna want to leave, simply because they’ve been told it’s impossible and that’s just catnip to gamers. Search your heart; you know this to be true.

The August Patreon stuff is up!

Huzzah. It has been a month, let me tell you. Actually, let me not. You all have your own stuff to get through.

Anyway, onto the stuff!

…Just how many of my Patreon patrons use the Apple app, anyway?

Is there some way to check? I mean, my Patreon uses a $1 base level, so it’s not as infuriating to me as it’d be to some creators. The subscription model is more annoying, but it’s more annoying to me. If my patrons don’t actually care about that, then that’s livable. But if nobody is buying subscriptions via iOS anyway, then why should I change at all?