Today is sort of Roswell Day: so if you’ve signed up for my Patreon, enjoy! If you haven’t, check the link below. Fiction! Gaming material! This is what pays for my novels! Pledge today!
Tag: pledge drive
July 7 Patreon Pledge Update: 83% to next checkpoint!
Sign up today for fiction and game material! If we get to $200/month, there’ll be weekly serials! It’s an insanely good deal, so GO NUTS!
Today is THE LAST NIGHT for the July Patreon Pledge Drive.
Admittedly, you can sign up tomorro– NO! Always Be Closing, Moe! Always Be Closing!
Anyway: for a mere buck a month you can get fiction and gaming stuff on the regular. It’s a bargain! So check it out.
07/30/21 Update, July Patreon Pledge Drive. (There’s never been a better time!)
Tomorrow is the last day of the month and a Saturday, which means the trifecta:
- A short story!
- The latest installment of the current RPG setting!
- Microfiction!
Sign up today, and get it all tomorrow! Only a buck a day!
July Patreon Pledge Drive, Looking for Beta Readers edition.
I’ve gotten my next chapbook (DECISIONS) to a spot where I can unleash the beta readers upon it. Let me know if you’re interested — and feel free to sign up for my Patreon, where these stories typically originate. At least one every month! RPG material, too. Quite the bargain at $1 a month.
Buy and subscribe to my stuff!
Really, why beat around the bush?
Amazon page! Books! With more to come! Don’t forget to review afterward!
Patreon! Fiction! RPGs! There’s also a pledge drive going on.
Three days left on the July Patreon Pledge Drive!
Regular fiction and gaming material, for a mere dollar a month! Sign up today!
Last week of the July Patreon Pledge Drive!
Last week to go!
Fiction! Microfiction! Gaming material! All for a mere $1 a month! …Or more. I’ll happily take more. Sign up today!
TIME IS RUNNING OUT on the July Patreon Pledge Drive!
Fiction! Microfiction! RPG stuff! For a buck a month! You can’t not sign up for this!
…Well, okay, obviously you can not sign up for this. But it’s in your best interests to join my Patreon today! Aside from everything else: in large part, it’s what lets me self-publish books. So, hey, enlightened self-interest here!
Have YOU signed up for the July Patreon Pledge Drive yet?
Oh, you have? Thanks! Much obliged.
Everybody else, here’s the link. Fiction, microfiction, and RPG material: it’s an entire thing. And there’s only one tier! A buck a month, and you get it all. Onward to $200/month!