QotD, And May You Have Joy Of His Company, Democrats edition.

There are a bunch of people out there worried that Charlie Crist possibly wasn’t the get for the Democrats that they thought that it was:

“There are Democrats out there who can’t get their arms around [former Florida Governor Charlie] Crist. I get it,” [Democratic operative Steve] Schale said. “They spent 20 years of their activist lives working against him. It’s a process.”

I know that there’s a bunch of people out there who are a little ticked at Governor Rick Scott right now, and I don’t blame them.  But if Charlie Crist actually does become the Democratic nominee then the people who are most upset at Scott must understand that most of the rest of their current compatriots will decide that being a systematic party and ideological turncoat easily trumps wanting to expand Medicare.  :shrug: I just tell you this stuff; I don’t actually cause any of it.


QotD, The “Too Cute By Half” Sequester edition.

It certainly was, John.

In the past, presidents have reluctantly acceded to policies enacted by a Congress with enough power to override a White House veto. But this was and is something else: [President Barack Obama] himself sought the imposition of bad policy for the purpose of blackmailing himself and others into making better policy.

That’s ironic. And the thing is, the political system itself has no sense of irony. The political system is very literal. It can’t be expected to understand when a policy is intended to be sardonic — as Obama’s was.

President Obama messed up.  I originally wrote that as “President Hipster,” but I try to keep a tight lid on the name-calling; judging from 2001-2009, that habit reduced the median IQ of the Online Left by about ten, fifteen points.  Besides: hipsters generally stay within their own social space boundaries.

QotD, The True Meaning Of CarryingWaterGate* edition.

Kathleen Parker, of all people, on the True Meaning of Bob Woodward and CarryingWatergate*:

Drip by drip, the Obama administration has demonstrated its intolerance for dissent and its contempt for any who stray from the White House script. Yes, all administrations are sensitive to criticism, and all push back when such criticism is deemed unfair or inaccurate. But no president since Richard Nixon has demonstrated such overt contempt for the messenger.

I’ll merely add that the messengers have more or less earned that contempt.  Sorry, but it’s true.

(via Hot Air Headlines)

Moe Lane

*The circle closes.

QotD, The Antiwar Movement Getting What They Wanted, Good And Hard edition.

I am not in complete agreement with Jim Geraghty over the foreign policy intentions of this President – I think that Barack Obama is black-boxing his natsec responses to match what he thinks Bush would do, and that means that Barack Obama will probably try to intervene in Syria* – but I can recognize the power of this attitude (without sharing it**):

Hey, my Turkish friends so upset by a bloody civil war across the border and a flood of refugees, remember “Valley of the Wolves: Iraq”? Remember when that film suggested that Jewish U.S. army doctors in Iraq were harvesting organs from Iraqi civilians to be sold in Israeli, and that U.S. soldiers use Iraqi children as human shields? Yeah, remember that? Well, go solve your #*%&^ border problems yourself.

Continue reading QotD, The Antiwar Movement Getting What They Wanted, Good And Hard edition.

QotD, Ed Schultz May Indeed Be This Pig-Ignorant On Chicago Gun Laws edition.

Hot Air, as part of the fallout from Allahpundit’s blinking-eye disbelief at the thought that Ed Schultz could possibly believe that there are no gun laws in Chicago:

Pro tip: There’s a reason constitutional challenges to gun laws tend to come out of deep blue jurisdictions like Chi-town and D.C. rather than, say, Tennessee.

…for the benefit of Ed Schultz, the answer is “because that’s where the draconian gun laws come from.”  And the reason why people care is because draconian gun laws have a disproportionate impact on law-abiding citizens.

QotD, Shooting Irony For The Sake Of Chuck Hagel edition.

I wonder if Josh Gerstein of Politico had to suppress an involuntary snort of horrified laughter?

Some who have worked with Hagel on foreign policy issues say the attacks are absurd and that his views on the Mideast are mainstream.

“He has never expressed a thought that could be considered even remotely hostile to the people of Israel or the State of Israel. … The charges are simply absurd,” said Henry Siegman of the U.S./Middle East Project, which prepared some of the policy statements that Hagel endorsed. “The charges of anti-Semitism are vicious, really ugly stuff.”

Siegman suggested that many of Hagel’s critics aren’t advocating for Jews or for Israel but for the Likud Party-led government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Pro-tip: when you’re trying to defend a man against being an anti-Semite, don’t suggest that the reason for the initial charges is because of an international Jewish conspiracy.  It… muddles… the message; or perhaps it does not.
Continue reading QotD, Shooting Irony For The Sake Of Chuck Hagel edition.

QotD, The Experts Speak Out About The Gun Map Fallout edition.

Told you so. From Fox News, the professional reaction to the map that the Journal-News published showing where all the gun owners in New York’s Westchester, Rockland, and Putnam counties live:

“That was the most asinine article I’ve ever seen,” said Walter T. Shaw, 65, a former burglar and jewel thief who the FBI blames for more than 3,000 break-ins that netted some $70 million in the 1960s and 1970s. “Having a list of who has a gun is like gold – why rob that house when you can hit the one next door, where there are no guns?

“What they did was insanity,” added Shaw, author of “License to Steal,” a book about his criminal career.

(H/T: Hot Air Headlines) Apropos of nothing, but A License to Steal: A father’s genius, A son’s revenge, But payback has a price looks like a rather… interesting… sort of book.  Has anybody read it?

Moe Lane

PS: I repeat.  …Dumb*sses.

QotD, This Rule Works In Multiple Arenas edition.

Ace of Ace of Spades was talking about nutrition, but it fits in a bunch of other situations, too:

When no one knows what the hell they’re talking about it’s a wide open field for paradigm-changing new studies.

This is particularly apropos in, say, politics, which is littered with the wreckage of permanent realignments and demographic destinies and fundamental changes in the system… and all of which typically didn’t do more than just set up the winners of Election n to be hit in the face with a metaphorical two-by-four in Election n+1*.  Sorry: I’ve just finished my sixth election cycle, and I’m not any more convinced about the game-changing nature of it than I should have been about the last five.  Or the upcoming seventh.  Or the upcoming twenty-seventh, God willing.

Moe Lane

*Note the italics.  That there is some scientific-looking italic-flavored notation there, thank you very much.

QotD, It Makes Your Head Hurt If You Think About It Too Much edition.

Matt Welch (via Hot Air Headlines) sounds like he’s about one more shot of cognitive dissonance away from a three-day bender*:

Well into the third year of the weakest economic recovery since at least the mid-19th century, less than two months before the U.S. government was scheduled to plunge off a “fiscal cliff,” an American public deeply and rightly dissatisfied with the economic and political status quo voted to lock it into place.

Then again, 2012 was… bizarre. I was going to make a convoluted joke about Obama and his indifference towards the down-ticket races, but it was taking more than sixty seconds to write, which means that it wouldn’t have been funny, anyway.  Suffice it to say: the Democrats are going to end up bitterly resenting Obama’s callous decision to not take House Democrats along for his seven point ride.  If they had taken back the House – but then, perhaps Barack Obama actually did learn a lesson from 2008: to wit, never let the Democrats control two branches of government at the same time…

Moe Lane

*Not really, but that joke I let stick around.