Quote of the Day, Ain’t No Such Thing As Clean Language, Folks edition.

It’s true! “Learning etymology is like going through the attic of a recently dead uncle, who seemed mostly domesticated, but who spent his life having x-rated adventures.”  The stuff that you say innocently today would have made your great-grandparents shudder, and will make your great-grandchildren blush.  The best part?  Thanks to the invention of modern A/V recording devices, they’ll be able to understand them, too!  It’s gonna take a LOT longer for languages to shift, now that we routinely preserve how people speak.  Which is kind of interesting, isn’t it?

Well, it’s interesting to me and this is my website.  So there.

Quote of the Day, Sometimes, (Metaphorical) Bullets CAN Kill It edition.

The author here has a point.

The collective internet is kind of like the little kid in AI: Artificial Intelligence. When it loves something, that love is the most passionate, powerful and awe-inspiring thing. And if you even slightly interfere with that love in any way, it will destroy you with a cold, mechanical fury.

Particularly since the author was referencing what happened when they made a live-action Avatar: The Last Airbender — No! Sit back down!  It’s OK!  It’s OK!  The franchise is dead!  It can’t hurt anybody anymore!  You can even click the link; it goes to a Blu-Ray of the real show.  The animated one.

Anyway.  See what the author meant?

Quote of the Day, We Would Have Seen Jar-Jar As A Saviour edition.

This quote is accurate (go to the link for context).

George Lucas’ final trilogy plans are so dumb, fans would have begged for the return of Jar Jar

I understand that emotions are high over Star Wars, but: it could have been worse, my droogies.  Merciful God in heaven, it could have so very much worse. Always remember that George Lucas hates Star Wars for what it did to him, and hates us for making it impossible for him to seek closure. If he had been given the chance, Lucas absolutely would have giggled as the knife started to turn.

Quote of the Day, This Toyota Corolla Craigslist Ad Is Art edition.

From here:

Continue reading Quote of the Day, This Toyota Corolla Craigslist Ad Is Art edition.

Quote of the Day, …What Laws Were Being Broken? edition.

I mean real laws, not ‘do not bathe your mule in a bathtub’ laws. From Canada:

A MPF officer, while travelling on KG Hwy, observed an ATV that was towing a couch, with two males sitting on the couch, going through the drive through at MacDonald’s restaurant. As the MPF officer approached, the ATV fled from the drive trough and managed to cross the highway then it ventured onto the frozen Miramichi River. The two couch passengers (aged 28 & 39) who were intoxicated were left behind and were arrested. This ATV was located later in the day and was seized. This matter is still under investigation. Court charges are pending.

I mean, as PhantomSway noted: the guys in the couches were wearing helmets. That’s pretty safe, right?


Quote of the Day, You Want To Write? Then MARRY WELL edition.

Ain’t this the truth.

Most writers I know are working another job, or living with a spouse or partner who is and who pays most of the bills. You ask the biggest name writers you can think of what their advice for writers is, and the common thread is going to be: find another way to pay the bills.

Ain’t it, just.

Quote of the Day, The Dynamics Of This Primary Race Are Always Fascinating edition.

Allahpundit, on Jeb Bush’s current strategy – and latest argument against Marco Rubio:

If that analogy is true, that Rubio is Obama and Bush is Hillary, it … doesn’t bode well for Jeb given how 2008 turned out for Clinton. The last time a national electorate was given a choice between a charismatic untested young pol who’s great in front of an audience and a more experienced pol whose main credential was her last name, with both in agreement on 99 percent of policy, they opted for the more dynamic candidate. Jeb’s theory is that Republicans, having learned a lesson from the Hopenchange disaster, will choose more wisely than Democrats did. But I don’t know. There are worse insults in politics than being compared to a guy who crushed the other party twice in winning the presidency.

Not taking sides – and I wouldn’t quite call 2012 us being ‘crushed;’ our down-ticket losses were frankly minimal – but… nope, still not taking sides. I will note that Wednesday’s debate should prove to be a lively time. Certainly it won’t be one of the snoozefests that the Democrats keep promising, then grimly delivering…