Started in on 7/10 edits on TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2.

I thought I’d get the whole thing done tonight, but I got delayed. No matter; I should be able to polish them off tomorrow. My editor is particularly pleased with this story, in fact. That’s always nice to hear.

TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 is ticking along nicely, in other words. I may need to start thinking about a subtitle soon.

Continue reading Started in on 7/10 edits on TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2.

Book of the Week: My novels on 99 cent Kindle Sale!

Gimme a break: I came home, walked upstairs, and promptly fell asleep. I only woke up because I desperately needed to eat something. Anyway: FROZEN DREAMS, TINSEL RAIN, MORGAN BAROD, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 1, and GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND are all on 99 cent sale this week. That makes them books of the week, surely.