Less than $300 to go for the next stretch goal for TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 Kickstarter.

No exclamation point: I’m still too annoyed with Barnes & Noble to feel safe about shouting. My youngest wanted to know why I was snarling obscenities at my computer. Since the answer was, Because I forgot you were there*, perhaps I should be a little less vehement for a while.

Anyway, the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 Kickstarter is still going on, with a dozen days to go. We’re close to getting some more sampler stories, and after that; some sampler art. And man, but the urge to push out the exclamation points is stronger than I expected. It’s like a drug, man. A loud, shouty drug.

Moe Lane

*The kids have school off today for some reason. I’m not really sure why. That just happens, from time to time.

New stretch goal for TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION: Digital merch art!

This is a two-birds, one-stone situation: I’ve gotten Shaenon Garrity (book cover artist for FROZEN DREAMS and TINSEL RAIN, and all-round swell artist) to do some Fermi Resolution-themed art. I’ve been provided with a piece that can be handily broken up into a bookmark, bookplate, and refrigerator magnet.

So I’ve updated the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 Kickstarter! There’s a new $1,600 stretch goal: at that point, everyone who backs at the $5 level or above will get a digital copy of the art, already formatted for a 3×1 bookmark, 2×2 sticker or magnet, and 3×2 bookplate.

Will there be physical versions of these in the future? Yes! Will they be part of the Kickstarter? …I dunno. Depends on how much money I make from it. So back it today!

First stretch goal reached in TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 Kickstarter!

In just over a week, too.

I’ve already picked the next stretch goal for the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION 2 Kickstarter:

  • $2,000: More sampler stories! At this point, the sampler will be five Fermi Resolution stories, including two ones exclusive to this sampler. It will be very close to a short episodic novel at that point, as all five stories will be set in the Falling Walls of Lunacy Marsh/Asenath Fermi Resolution horror sub-series. The Moon is not a nice place in a magical apocalypse. With these stories, you’ll get to see just how much.

Back it today!

Now is the time to back TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2!

It’s in a good spot to be backed: TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 has been funded, and we are a mere seventy five bucks from the first stretch goal. We’re also a mere four grand away from me being able to get BANSHEE BEACH out the door as soon as it’s ready to go, so there’s short- and long-term goals to work towards. This is a marvelous thing! Back the Kickstarter today!

TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Volume 2 has funded in 11 hours, 57 minutes!

Mind you, I wasn’t worried in the slightest. I ran the numbers, and I was confident that I had a clear-eyed view of the situation and was pretty sure that I could reach the Kickstarter goals. I totally wasn’t spending the day in a habitual state of imposter’s syndrome. The very idea that I would is absurd!


…Seriously: thanks to everybody who has pledged to TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Volume 2, and everybody who will. I can do the stuff that I do because of the stuff that you do. I try not to forget that.

The TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 Kickstarter begins tomorrow!

I hope you’ll all back it, and that the rest of Western civilization does, too. …Well. Everybody who speaks English. I guess I can have TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 2 get translated into other languages if, I dunno, I break one hundred thousand dollars or something*.

Also: TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol. 1 is on sale for 99 cents on Kindle this week! Just to get people in the mood. Check that out, too.

Moe Lane

*Geez, I don’t even know what I’d do if I had that kind of funding. Well, besides go to Dragon Con. In style.


Book of the Week: Tales From the Fermi Resolution: Vol. 1: Shadow of the Tower.

Sorry, it was a long day and not a very productive one. Tales From the Fermi Resolution: Vol. 1: Shadow of the Tower is on 99 cent sale this week in Kindle, and happens to be less than four bucks on paperback. The Kickstarter for Vol 2 is also going live in two days. Every little bit, as they say, helps.
