Found here. Short version: for some reason, Planned Parenthood decided to fulminate about Ted Cruz now, while it would still be useful for Ted Cruz. And no, I have no idea why, either. …Thanks?
Tag: ted cruz
My RedState post on the Maryland ballot.
Found here. Short version: only one of the three people in the Republican field bothered to do all the delegate ground work for Maryland. Guess who it was?
(Yes, Ted Cruz.)
My RedState post on Ted Cruz in California.
Found here. Short version: the man has a plan. More importantly, Ted Cruz has a plan and an organization. Which is… nice, for a change.
Making Their Peace With Ted Cruz Watch, Jennifer Rubin edition.
I originally had a snarkier comment about this Jennifer Rubin piece on Ted Cruz, but then I remembered that I want Cruz to win the goram nomination. So let me just shut that big, stupid mouth of mine and let the woman make her argument in peace, yes? – Because that would be smart.
I don’t suggest that Cruz brag about being unliked, especially as he is doing a good job warming up to voters. He should, however, stress that he is not going to do things (or not do things) to be popular or to avoid nasty barbs from the New York Times editorial page. He won’t be addicted to his favorable poll ratings. He is prepared to risk public disapproval if need be, or even his chance at reelection, if he must. In stark contrast to Clinton, who is allergic to swimming against the tide or getting too far out ahead of public (liberal) opinion, Cruz is not cowed by the threat of opposition from his own party or from liberals. Her ambition makes her cautious; his makes him brave.
H/T: The Resurgent.
Ted Cruz goes Full Metal Federalist on Colorado’s pot laws.
I’m fine with this. Heck, ‘let the states decide’ is my go-to answer for these issues. We shouldn’t always test stuff in the states before we pass laws on the federal level, but it should be our default strategy.
In an one-on-one interview Saturday with The Denver Post, [Texas senator Ted Cruz] said he opposes legalization but declared that the U.S. Constitution allows “states to experiment.”
“I think on the question of marijuana legalization, we should leave it to the states,” Cruz said before addressing 6,000 GOP activists at the state GOP convention in Colorado Springs.”If it were me personally, voting on it in the state of Texas, I would vote against it.
“The people of Colorado have made a different decision. I respect that decision,” he continued. “And actually, it is an opportunity for the rest of the country to see what happens here in Colorado, what happens in Washington state, see the states implement the policies, and if it works well, other states may choose to follow. If it doesn’t work well other states may choose not to follow.”
By the way, I understand that there is a big argument out there about how safe marijuana is, really. So I’m not going to tell anybody that they’re wrong for opposing CO/WA’s laws. I’m just a guy who defaults to federalism on a lot of stuff.
Moe Lane
[UPDATE]: Must have highlighted/deleted some text. Anyway, H/T: @sahilkapur.
This is everything I expected in a Wisconsin concession statement.
…seriously, I got nothing. Except to note that Ted Cruz had a nice win, today – and this is what we got from the second-place finisher, in lieu of a press conference:
NEW: Trump campaign statement tonight
— Robert Costa (@costareports) April 6, 2016
Ted Cruz Loves The Cheese.
Mr. Cruz, a Texas senator, has long professed his affections for the Wisconsin staple, which he had called his favorite food well before the laws of local pandering required it.
On Monday, he achieved something approaching political nirvana: an afternoon stroll, on the eve of a primary he is expected to win, through a placed called the Mars Cheese Castle.
Initially, there was disappointment: “When they promise a cheese castle,” he said upon arrival, “you sort of expect to be able to eat the castle.”
Quote of the Day, Why Carly Fiorina Is Such A Good Surrogate edition.
This is very good stuff.
Last week, when [Carly] Fiorina appeared with Ted Cruz in Wisconsin, she attacked Trump for going after Cruz’s wife and defended the senator when a reporter asked about a National Enquirer report that alleged Cruz may have engaged in extramarital affairs. Cruz has vigorously denied the report.
“If I may,” Fiorina interjected when a Daily Mail reporter asked Cruz on Monday if he would definitively say that he has never been unfaithful to his wife.
“I’m going to comment,” Fiorina said after the reporter insisted on hearing from Cruz. “We are talking about a scurrilous, ridiculous piece in the National Enquirer. Why do you all dance to Donald Trump’s tune?” she asked.
I liked Carly Fiorina a good deal without particularly planning to vote for her: I honestly would have preferred that she had instead taken another bite at the California apple. But that was a desire for a different primary; in this one she’s an excellent heavy hitter for Ted Cruz. Which… will do.
Via @MattBatzel
My RedState post on North Dakota delegate selection.
Found here. Short version: officially, the North Dakota delegates are all uncommitted. Unofficially? Ted Cruz cleaned up.
My RedState post on the first wave of Colorado delegate counts.
Found here. Short version: Ted Cruz went six for six in the first wave. There are another 15 up this Thursday and Friday.