Tweet of the Day, Try Not To Think About This Too Much edition.

I didn’t follow my own advice; and now my brain hurts.

Yes.  Yes, I know.  Yes, I really want to believe that that’s some elaborate prank, too.  Alas, it rings just a little too true to be anything except remarkably tin-eared idiocy on Sam Schulman’s friend’s part.

Tweet/Question of the Day, Which I Will Answer In A Mean Fashion edition.

The question:

Continue reading Tweet/Question of the Day, Which I Will Answer In A Mean Fashion edition.

Tweet of the Day, …Well, Geez edition.

I try not to play the If X agrees with me then I may need to re-evaluate my position game.

So instead I just need to figure out what the heck is causing Ed Schultz to come to the conclusion that we’re probably going to end up killing a lot of IS death cultists.  Who knows?  If it’s environmental, perhaps we can reproduce the effect elsewhere.

Tweet of the Day, I’ve Seen Worse One-Sentence Biographies edition.

I dunno. “Knitting tiny wool sweaters for tiny injured penguins” is actually kind of badass.

Especially when you’re 109 years old. What recklessly Australian things did this man do in his prime, that he now balances it with making protective clothing for cute, yet wounded waterfowl? – And nobody tell me! It almost certainly won’t be as cool as the story I’m telling myself in my head right now.