Senator Webb comes out against Gitmo.

You have the right to neither surprise, nor a sense of betrayal.

[UPDATE] Welcome, Hot Air readers.

Oh, Webb is saying that he’s merely against the timetable, but that’s just political-speak for ‘I need to start laying down the groundwork for my retreat on this issue.’ By this time next year he’ll be telling everybody how he’s fully satisfied that Obama’s ‘reform’ of Gitmo addresses the issues brought up during the campaign, etc, etc, etc. Amazing how quickly some of these guys catch Washington Establishment Disease, huh? Continue reading Senator Webb comes out against Gitmo.

Since when did Alexandria decide it wanted Gitmo detainees?

Jennifer Rubin, who also commented on that Jim Moran column I raised an eybrow at earlier, reminds us that the subject has come up before

It seems Jim Moran’s hometown spoke out on this issue a couple of months ago, according to this news report. Residents were apparently “decidedly unfriendly to news that the Obama administration might move some detainees from their highly controlled military fortress at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Alexandria.” The rest of the political establishment is not nearly as excited as Moran about being a “host city”…

As the WaPo article notes, a couple of years ago Alexandria had to play ‘host’ for Zacarias Moussaoui and some other terrorist suspects going through the criminal justice system, and they didn’t enjoy the situation in the slightest. Which is why city officials made it clear in said article that they were not interested in having Gitmo detainees show up in their locale now; and which is why both Jen and I are wondering whether Rep Moran bothered to actually check with anybody before he volunteered his district for the ‘honor.’

Probably not: it’s funny how often statements like “But that’s not the Alexandria I know and have represented in Congress for nearly 20 years” turn out to be, well, untrue…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Rep. Jim Moran’s (D, VA) brother sudden recipient of defense largesse.

In a stunning coincidence*, there seems to be a certain correlation between the contributions of the Virginian Moran Boys:

Moran Campaign Contributors Have Business Before Brother

More than a dozen defense contractors with business before U.S. Rep. James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.), a member of the powerful House Appropriations defense subcommittee, have donated thousands of dollars to Moran’s younger brother Brian, a candidate for governor of Virginia.

Brian Moran filed a campaign finance report this week that shows he collected $80,000 during the first three months of 2009 from 18 contractors that have been longtime backers of the congressman. Seven of the firms are awaiting approval of Moran-backed earmarks totaling $14.5 million.

The claim, of course, is that there’s all sorts of separation between Rep. Jim Moran and Brian Moran – the fact that one is a powerful defense pork appropriator has no connection whatsoever to the generous contributions made to the other.  And the fact that the one is finding his campaign contributions drying up in the wake of the PMA raid and closure should not in any way, shape, or form be seen as an indication that any sort of money flow is attempting to find another channel.  It’d be silly to think otherwise. Continue reading Rep. Jim Moran’s (D, VA) brother sudden recipient of defense largesse.

I am not a shill for AIPAC.

Thanks to R.S. McCain, I’ve been dragged into this complete non-scandal about him and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe, so I might as well establish this now: I do not work for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. I am not directly compensated by AIPAC in any way. AIPAC has not provided me with any consideration in exchange for my highlighting the Israel-bashing escapades of Jim Moran (D, VA-08), whether on MoeLane or RedState. There is thus obviously no financial motive for me to highlight the relationship between Rep. Moran and his brother Brian, who is opposing McAuliffe for the Democratic nomination for Governor.

And I suggest that anyone who wants to pursue this should be prepared to provide compelling evidence to the contrary.

Moe Lane

PS: Bob McDonnell for Governor. He stands with Israel.  Not that I’m obliged to point that out, or anything.

Crossposted to RedState.

Working their way up to killing swine: PETA in VA.

Yup. PETA’s killing pets again.

PETA’s Dirty Secret

From July 1998 through December 2008, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) killed over 25,112 dogs, cats, and other “companion animals.” That’s more than five defenseless creatures every day. PETA has a walk-in freezer to store the dead bodies, and contracts with a Virginia Beach company to cremate them.

You can see more at the site PETA Kills Animals, which is one of those sites that really, really bothers a certain sort of person. Like, say, the sort of person who doesn’t want to hear just how tasty my BACON and pineapple pizza was at lunch, or how I’m looking forward to taking some CHICKEN tomorrow and cooking it up for dinner.  Of course, that sort of person will almost certainly assume that I’m just saying all of that because I’m a shill for animal exploiters, or something.

Actually, no: to exceptionally misquote Scarface I’ll boot to the head PETA for free.  Although if Omaha Steaks wants to send over these babies in consideration for my trouble I’m not going to get bent out of shape about it.

Governor Kaine signs law permitting “Choose Life” license plates.

Via Riehl World View:

DNC chair infuriates abortion backers

Tim Kaine, the Virginia governor and President Barack Obama’s hand-picked choice as the head of the Democratic National Committee, infuriated abortion-rights groups Monday by signing legislation that gives abortion foes a long-sought victory.

Kaine brushed off intense lobbying by abortion rights supporters in Richmond to sign a bill that allows Virginia motorists to advertise their anti-abortion views by sporting “Choose Life” specialty license plates.

Infuriated. How… brittle of them.

Crossposted to RedState.

Moran, McAuliffe entering full contested-primary mode in VA.

Rooting for injuries.

The conflict between two major Democratic candidates (mentioned in yesterday’s RedHot) for the nomination for Governor continues to escalate. For the benefit of those catching the story late, the two individuals are as follows:

Brian Moran: former Virginia state legislator. Brother of notorious anti-AIPAC conspiracy theorist Rep. Jim Moran (D, VA-08).
Pros: Is not Terry McAuliffe.
Cons: Is probably best known for being brother of notorious anti-AIPAC conspiracy theorist Rep Jim Moran (D, VA-08).

Terry McAuliffe: former chairman of the DNC (2001-2005) and Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Presidential campaign.
Pros: very good at raising money.
Cons: Is Terry McAuliffe, former chairman of the DNC (2001-2005) and Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Presidential campaign. Continue reading Moran, McAuliffe entering full contested-primary mode in VA.

Terry McAuliffe at GOP-run fundraiser!

I was going to say that R.S. McCain should use this picture for nefarious purposes later, although this is pretty nefarious on its own. The photo is presumably from this fundraiser that Ed Rodger’s BGR threw for McAuliffe (for purely personal reasons: Rogers and McAuliffe are friends) for his governor’s bid; and it’s apparently really, really, really annoying rival Democrat Brian Moran. McAuliffe’s responding here; it promises to be quite the little knife-fight. Not that I’d suggest that this was the intent all along.

Meanwhile, you can donate to the Republican candidate Bob McDonnell over here.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

The latest New York Times did yet another story on Steele…

…only this time it had a very welcome sentence in it.

Mr. Steele declined a request for an interview.

Dan Riehl caught this first, and I concur: there are times when you pick yourself up, walk it off, and get back to work – and Steele’s gotten to that point. Yes, the media doesn’t love the GOP, except as a punching bag. And yes, the media loves to see Red-on-Red fights, the latest of which has spent far too much time occupying people’s brains than it should have for the last two weeks. And yes, there are ongoing philosophical issues between the various factions of the GOP that are causing all sorts of dynamic tension / impending meltdown / what have you.

Meanwhile, there’s a race going on up in NY-20. Is that less important to you than whether Steele’s sufficiently pro-life? If it isn’t, Tedisco can always use the help. There’s also a race going on over in IL-05. Are you looking for a better hill to fight and maybe die on than whether or not Rush is going to doom the GOP? If you are, Pulido wants to hear from you. Virginia and New Jersey are having elections for governor this year. Are you tired of the debate over who should be the next Presidential candidate? Then the NJ GOP and the VA GOP would be happy to redirect your interests to something a bit more topical.

I could go on, but hopefully you get the point. There is business that must be attended to, and at this point we are merely amusing the Other Side.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.