It’s actually been a matter of some amusement for us over there: you could tell who the lazy or just dumb reporters were from their habitual reference of the site as, which it hasn’t been for years. Apparently, the Washington Post has gotten around to updating their files, bless their hearts. A shame that Eugene Robinson didn’t then try to actually talk to a Republican before he wrote his column, although I admit that it would have been harder than sneering at the Republicans that live largely in his head.
Let’s unpack a typical paragraph:
Will loyal members inform on others for harboring suspiciously moderate views?
Err, no.
Will anyone judged guilty have to wear a sign saying “Republican In Name Only” as penance?
Err, no.
Will there be re-education camps?
Err, no. Also: cheapening to the memory of victims in the tens of millions.
Will deviationists face the Enhanced Interrogation Technique of being forced to listen to the wit and wisdom of Glenn Beck, at ear-splitting volume, for days on end?
Err, no. Continue reading Eugene Robinson gets the name of RedState right.