Curse my essentially ethical nature!

I had a perfect set-up to use Ed Schultz getting the ax at MSBNC as a way to insinuate stuff about the Clinton campaign… only it turns out that said insinuation wouldn’t have been supported by the evidence. So, no, Ed Schultz probably didn’t get fired because he did one too many favorable interviews with Bernie Sanders. It’s probably all just due to his having rotten ratings.

Pity, really. I was going to do a timeline, and bullet points, and everything. It would have been a thing.

AP US History back to admitting that America is, in fact, exceptional.

Judging from the sheer amount of whining going on later in this Newsweek article, this decision by The College Board (the company that does the AP tests) sounds like a reasonably big deal: “The company behind Advanced Placement courses for U.S. high school students will release a revision to the standards for AP U.S. history on Thursday morning, after significant pushback from conservatives who claimed the redesigned course framework, released last year, painted American history in too negative a light.”  All in all, the people who do the AP tests probably shouldn’t have picked this particular decade to emphasize collective national guilt over heroic American historical figures and treat ‘American exceptionalism’ as an unfortunate social disease, given that the people who would be most upset about it are already up in arms over Common Core. You end up with pushback from the people who dislike your take on American history, and some of the aforementioned Common Core protesters (the ones who can connect the dots). Continue reading AP US History back to admitting that America is, in fact, exceptional.

UK/France Chunnel site of organized illegal immigrant… activity? Plot? Campaign?

I wonder how close a British finger was to the Chunnel’s Big Red Button.

France deployed 120 riot police to Calais on Wednesday to bolster security after thousands of migrants tried to enter Britain through the Channel Tunnel in recent days, with the resulting chaos leading to at least one death.

Seriously. I find it difficult to believe that the English* haven’t wired that tunnel with emergency detonators. Or have a bunker-buster handy. Something. It was a minor miracle that they dug the Chunnel in the first place. Continue reading UK/France Chunnel site of organized illegal immigrant… activity? Plot? Campaign?

Sorry, folks: as of now, posting is officially gonna be set to ERRATIC.

We are coordinating a set of overlapping vacations here at Chez Lane, and although everything should go well things are still going to be every which way but loose. I cannot guarantee regular posting for the next week or so. …And, honestly, I kind of need this vacation (which will become a working one as soon as I hit the RedState Gathering anyway).

So: see you, off and on, for a while.

Ohio Democrat Bill Patmon: Get those #blacklivesmatter protesters in front of @PPAct offices!

Come, I will conceal nothing from you: when I saw this tweet I said Gotta be an African American. No white Democrat would ever dare say this*. Ever.  And then I clicked through, and lo! He was.

During a rally outside the Ohio statehouse on Tuesday, Ohio State Rep. Bill Patmon, a Democrat, said the demonstrators from the Black Lives Matter movement, which targets the police, should include Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider.

“You hear a lot of demonstrations across the country now about ‘black lives matter.’ Well they skipped one place. They should be in front of Planned Parenthood,” said Patmon, who is African-American.

Continue reading Ohio Democrat Bill Patmon: Get those #blacklivesmatter protesters in front of @PPAct offices!

Rep. Chaka Fattah (D, PA-02) indicted for all SORTS of political corruption, really.


Oh, dear.


…[Five people were] charged today in a 29-count indictment with participating in a racketeering conspiracy and other crimes, including bribery; conspiracy to commit mail, wire and honest services fraud; and multiple counts of mail fraud, falsification of records, bank fraud, making false statements to a financial institution and money laundering, the U.S. Attorney said.

Continue reading Rep. Chaka Fattah (D, PA-02) indicted for all SORTS of political corruption, really.