My traditional cheerfully mercenary post-Christmas reminder.

Did you get Amazon gift cards? Great. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY CLICK THROUGH HERE and spend them.  Heck, check out the Prime Video 30-Day Free Trial thing that they’re doing. I get extra this week for flogging that one.

…What?  Did the title not say ‘cheerfully mercenary?’ Besides, it’s not like I don’t have Amazon Prime (including video). The two-day free shipping alone pays for itself.

Books of the Week: Ben Aaronovitch’s Peter Grant series.

Seriously: I’ve been binging this series this week. It’s police procedural meets hidden magic, and even though it’s very English it should be easily accessible to anybody with the good sense to read Terry Pratchett religiously. Which all of you should be doing anyway. Start with Midnight Riot (which I made BotW a while back, all on its own) and just keep going.

And so, adieu to Every Inch a King.

Continue reading Books of the Week: Ben Aaronovitch’s Peter Grant series.

ZOMG Genevieve Cogman is guest-blogging for Charlie Stross!

AND she’s going to have books out in the USA in April!  Excuse me: I need to go order The Invisible Library and The Masked City now.

:type type type:

Annnnnd… done! Should get copies in my hands by the middle of next month – what’s that? They said ‘April?’  Yes, well, that’s for people who don’t know their way around Amazon.

Moe Lane

PS: For those wondering why I’m so excited, let me put it this way: back in the late Nineties I did a lot of fan stuff for a roleplaying game called In Nomine.  It still remains my favorite RPG setting (angels and demons on modern earth), in fact. I am not going to be modest, here: I was very good.

Genevieve was better.

Tweet of the Day, No. No, Salon Is Not Better Than This edition.

I know that I should be outrageously outraged at this…


…but, honestly?  I just want to call Salon’s mother and father and tell them to stop fighting long enough to let Salon have a merry Christmas for once.  Because there’s so much pain there, and this is the one day of the year where I’d feel bad about drinking it.

I have wanted this t-shirt for pretty much forever.

Finally got it.


No, I’ve never subscribed to the In case of a zombie apocalypse, I’m tripping you school of thought.  That’s just dumb, short-term thinking. And the people who publicly subscribe to it are most likely going to end up joining the ranks of the Undead much, much sooner than the people who form voluntary associations with each other at the first sign of a shambling revenant…