Archived Harvey Dent interview.

Somebody in comments asked how is it he had never seen this before. …I share that befuddlement. It can’t be because the movie was unpopular, because, you know, THE DARK KNIGHT. One billion dollar grosses, two Academy Awards (including one of the ‘respectable’ ones), everybody loved it. So why didn’t this get seen more widely? I’m sure the reason is interesting.

Via @DaddyWarpig.


The 1987: BLOOD OF THE BAT Batman/Vampire Proof of Concept trailer.

I agree with GeekTyrant: Warner Bros would never make this in a million years. Which is a shame, because 1987: BLOOD OF THE BAT would make for a killer (heh) Batman flick. Something that determinedly retro would be pretty cheap to make, too. Alas…

Nick Cage wants to be in THE BATMAN sequel.

And you will not be surprised at his desired role:

ā€œI likeā€¦ oh, hereā€™s something, Iā€™ve been thinking about this, because we have this new, Robert Pattinson as the Batman, which I havenā€™t seen it yet, but I think he would be terrific, the villain that Vincent Price played on the ā€™60s show, Egghead. I think I want to have a go at Egghead. I think I could make him absolutely terrifying. And I have a concept for Egghead. So let them know over at Warner Bros. Iā€™m down for Egghead.ā€

Continue reading Nick Cage wants to be in THE BATMAN sequel.

THE BATMAN opens to $128.5 million.

Which is pretty good, considering how many people reviewed-kvetched about THE BATMAN: “In another clear sign that moviegoing is alive and well despite ceasing during the pandemic,Ā Warner Bros.ā€™Ā The BatmanĀ is delivering the second-best opening since 2019. Thatā€™s afterĀ Spider-Man: No Way HomeĀ withĀ $128.5MĀ after a $43.2M Saturday, which was -24% against the picā€™s opening Friday+previews. Around the globe,Ā BatmanĀ madeĀ $248.5M.Ā Thereā€™s a very good chance by tomorrow AM thatĀ BatmanĀ could rise beyond $130M.”

I, alas, haven’t seen it yet. I was going to, but last-minute family scheduling got in the way. But I figure I can hold out until the next weekend. Besides, it’s a Batman movie. I’m pretty sure I know how this flick is going to go.

Finally figured out what’s been bothering me about the latest Batman designs.

And it’s always the same thing:

You can’t see the dang symbol in the dark. As Frank Miller’s Batman once famously pointed out, he wears a big target on his chest because he can’t armor his head. (I even think they referenced that here.)

Moe Lane

PS: As I have noted before, I am tentatively down for Violent Goth Batman. It’s a legitimate take on the character. Annnnnd… dammit, they’re still not doing a animated version of THE DOOM THAT CAME TO GOTHAM. What, DC doesn’t like money?

THE FLASH’s gonna nerd out completely with multiverse stuff.

Apparently the Flash is gonna visit alternate versions of the DC universe in his movie. As GeekTyrant notes, I understand that they did something like this in the TV shows, which were pretty popular. Even with Ben Affleck coming back for one more Batman flick, though: is this really gonna work? I dunno

Continue reading THE FLASH’s gonna nerd out completely with multiverse stuff.