Wait a second: Terminator Salvation grossed 370M?

I swear, this was my first reaction to the news that the Terminator franchise might end (via the Rhetorician)- and not due to Terminator Salvation:

The Terminator franchise is in jeopardy. The question is, do we care?

The recent Halcyon bankruptcy announcement has raised some eyebrows, because it seems bizarre for the producers of the $370 million worldwide grosser Terminator Salvation to be running on empty.

I mean, didn’t it suck?

I actually look forward to Scalzi’s Star Trek rant.

I wonder if it’ll hit the same ones that I would have; particularly, how every major problem in the Star Trek universe can be solved by a modified tachyon burst emitted through the main deflector grid.

Anyway, via Instapundit comes “John Scalzi’s Guide to the Most Epic FAILs in Star Wars Design.” I like this one the best, because it’s one that I didn’t think of ahead of time, but was bloody obvious once it was pointed out to me:

Yes, I know, I want one too. But I tell you what: I want one with a hand guard. Otherwise every lightsaber battle would consist of sabers clashing and then their owners sliding as quickly as possible down the shaft to lop off their opponent’s fingers. You say: Lightsabers can slice through anything but another lightsaber, so what are you going to make a hand guard out of? I say: Dude, if you have the technology to make a lightsaber, you have the technology to make a light hand guard.

Well, that’s why he’s John Scalzi, and I’m not.

Moe Lane

Moderate Voice points out a Republican health care plan, gets savaged for it.

The article itself (via Hot Air) is reasonable enough, but the real fun is watching the screaming in the comments sections from various of TMV’s commenters – said screaming partially because there’s nothing shriller than an Online Left commenter having one of their treasured talking points demolished, but mostly because the Online Left commentariat hates conservatives, and wants us all to die in fires.

Oops, did I just type that out? Whoops! For some reason, we’re expected not to make that rather obvious observation.

Moe Lane

PS: Anybody who can comment here is generally considered an exception to that designation. My general rule of thumb is whether they can type out “Republican” without mutating it into a slur.

Crossposted to RedState.

Trust a Salon writer to get it wrong from the start.

(Via The Other McCain.)

I’m sure that the guy thinks that he’s trying to be helpful, but he flunks out by the subtitle.

You won’t win the healthcare debate by calling people stupid racists

Elite right-wing foes of healthcare reform are telling lies. The folks listening to them are mostly just scared

Dude. They’re not scared.

They’re pissed off.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Steny Hoyer goes off-message on health care rationing.

Assuming that there’s any sort of on-message at this point. Via Hot Air, here’s the latest cloud of ink from a Democrat perhaps worried about the way things are going:

Hoyer (D-Md.) emphasized his support for a public option in a teleconference call with reporters, but also said he wants to ensure Congress sends a bill to the president.

“I’m for a public option, but I’m also for passing a bill,” he said. Democrats believe the public option is necessary, useful and important, he added, “be we’ll have to see.”

No doubt we’ll soon enough get a clarification of the explanation of the correction of the restatement of whatever the heck it is that the Democrats want to do this week. Although what are progressives going to do with Steny, anyway? Give money to Charles Lollar?

Well, they should. But that’s just the Marylander Republican talking.

Moe Lane

PS: In other words, it is not yet time for me to publicly join in the Crowder Victory Dance.  And I am sure that the world finds this delay much to its liking.

That being said, drop some money in the tip jar and I’ll think about doing it and taping the results.

Heck, drop some money in the tip jar with the message “Don’t. Please, Moe: DON’T!” and I’ll think about not. I’ll be happy to start a bidding war; it’s all going to go towards assemblingmy blogging wish list, anyway.

Crossposted to RedState.

Maybe Deeds could try to hit McDonnell with his car?

Ha!  Got it right this time.  Anyway, this video from the VA GOP:

…is a nice supplement to this WaPo article (via Jim Newell, who seems a bit bitter):

Democratic gubernatorial candidate R. Creigh Deeds is running behind his Republican opponent in a recent Washington Post poll in large part because he has yet to win over voters in populous, Democratic-leaning Northern Virginia.


In the Washington Post poll, Deeds had his best showing among suburban Washington voters, running about evenly with McDonnell, who is a native of Fairfax County.

Bolding mine, and let me translate what that means for the Deeds campaign if that’s not fixed:


Moe Lane

PS: McDonnell for Governor. Donate here.

Crossposted to RedState.

Steele to Democrats: You have the votes, and you won, remember?

So stop wasting everybody’s time with pretending that you want Republicans for anything but cover and pass your cursed health care rationing bill.

Actually, that’s pretty much what he said:

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele on Thursday dared Democrats to try a one-party push to overhaul the nation’s health care system.

Steele told reporters that he thinks if Democratic senators think they have the votes, they should try a tactic that would allow them to get around a bill-killing filibuster without the 60 votes usually needed. Steele said he didn’t think Democrats would do it because of potential voter backlash.

“Get it to the floor. Up or down, baby,” Steele said at a news conference at the state GOP headquarters. “Put it on the table. And if you don’t think you’ve got enough votes to get to 60, you’ve got the nuclear option. You’ve got 51.”

(Via Hot Air Headlines)

Democrats who are surprised by this shouldn’t be: this is the natural and inevitable result of the Democratic House leadership deciding to freeze out House Republicans in writing bills this session. That particular bit of hubris then means that we feel that we’re under no obligation to give the Democrats political cover for a blessed thing now – and if the Democrats are feeling upset over that, well, good. They should direct that upset towards the people who actually caused it – which is to say, Pelosi, Hoyer, Murtha, Waxman, Frank, Obey, and every other House leader who let their sense of entitlement and need for petty revenge override their good sense. Continue reading Steele to Democrats: You have the votes, and you won, remember?

The Wired/Yuan Brothers interview.

Probably the funniest interview that you’ll read today; almost certainly funnier than the flick that they’re going to be in.  A taste:

Wired.com: After the Observe and Report premiere in Austin during South by Southwest, there was some awestruck talk about your zombie-fighting plan. What is the plan, and what part did it play in your getting hired for the roles?

John Yuan: The plan is to make it to a hardware store near our home. It’s a fort, but not an obvious choice like a mall or police station. It has everything we need for short-term survival as well as the tools we’ll need to carry the seeds of civilization out of the hellhole that L.A. is going to turn into.

Matt Yuan: We hate to say this, because it’s kind of our trump card, but yes — Jody did hire us because of our zombie-survival plan. In fact, our plan has gotten us hired dozens of times.

John Yuan: Well, that and our Adonis-like physiques.

Via AoSHQ, which also had this:


I don’t know: new background image?

Moe Lane

PS: If you don’t have a zombie plan, get one. Also: ooh…

The LA Times attacks a major cable television program!

Andrew Malcolm apparently felt obligated to make sure that the correction of the truly offensive thing that his host newspaper (the LA Times) did was made as public as possible.  I might normally raise an eyebrow at that, but in this particular case I can understand the impulse for damage control.  It’s way over the top.

TV listings: The Prime-Time TV grid in Thursday’s Calendar section mistakenly listed MTV’s “Jackass” show on the MSNBC cable schedule at 7 and 10 p.m. where instead MSNBC’s “Countdown With Keith Olbermann” should have been listed.

If I was one of the owners of Jackass I would be seriously considering a libel suit right now: I am not a lawyer, but I imagine that the damage that the LA Times has just done to the brand by maliciously associating it with Keith Olbermann would easily justify one.  And then there’s the implied insult in the veiled suggestion that fans of Jackass might also like Olbermann…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.