In an alternate history, she racked up 40 kills before the Huns got her.

The short one in the middle.

She’s just got that look.

Moe Lane

PS: My wife liked this one the best, though.

PPS: The things you learn of when researching these things. Did you know that England was invaded by the French in 1797? Neither did I: Britain’s Last Invasion: Fishguard,1797

US requests extradition of Polanski.

(H/T: @MelissaTweets) We finally got around to formally requesting that they hand over the child-raping son of a bitch:

The United States has asked Switzerland to extradite film director Roman Polanski after he fled sentencing for having unlawful sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977, the Swiss Justice Department said on Friday.

Well, that’s unfair, actually: sometimes this stuff takes time to set up, and they were probably waiting for the end of the legal challenge, anyway. Say what you like about this administration – and I say quite a bit, usually with a certain malicious glee – but they were never going to be anything but hard-nosed about this. And they’re probably not upset at all that Polanski will probably fight this, given that it means that he stays in jail while he does (no bail for him).

If for no other reason than because President Obama and AG Holder both have daughters.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Impounded motorized lounge chair to be auctioned.

You know you want this.


Police in the US state of Minnesota are planning to auction off a specially modified and motorised lounge chair whose owner crashed it while drunk.


The chair comes with a stereo, nitrous oxide booster, parachute and a “hell yeah it’s fast” sticker.

Well… 20 mph, at least. That’s pretty fast, for a lounge chair.

Correcting Maddow: why is The Daily Howler bothering?

Of course Rachel Maddow obfuscated on Tuesday, and brazenly contradicted that obfuscation on Wednesday, Bob Somerby. Of course she pretends that she’s putting people on the griddle. And of course she’s going to keep doing it. That’s because she’s making political porn, Bob. Exceptionally niche fetish porn – as witnessed by MSNBC’s ratings – yes; but porn nonetheless.

And you’re reviewing it, which in some ways is even funnier.

Moe Lane

PS: I dunno.  What does commenting on this commentary say about me, Glenn Reynolds, Tom Maguire, and Ed Driscoll?  Aside from the fact that apparently it’s raining where they are, too.

PPS: Actually, if I wanted to make Worst Person In The World I’d continue in this vein by writing a sentence that included the words “Keith Olbermann” and “gimp mask.” Because goodness knows; Olbermann’s worse.

Crossposted to RedState.

See Dodd spin. Spin, Dodd! Spin!

Senator Chris Dodd (D, Irish Mansion CT) is having a time of it with this sweetheart Countrywide loans thing.  First off, the Senate Ethics investigation somehow managed to avoid going after him for his activities, which meant that Dodd thought that he could start repairing the damage to his fundraising reputation (H/T: Instapundit):

U.S. Sen. Christopher J. Dodd is saying it’s time to move on from the long-running Countrywide Financial VIP loan scandal.


“I feel the matter’s behind us,” Dodd said. “We ought to move on.”

Continue reading See Dodd spin. Spin, Dodd! Spin!

Scenes from the Inquisition: heretic Nathan Myhrvold speaks.

(H/T: Instapundit) Get a cup of coffee, because you’re going to enjoy reading this.

Political movements always have extremists — bitterly partisan true believers who attack anybody they feel threatens their movement. I’m sure you know the type, because his main talent is making himself heard. He doesn’t bother with making thoughtful arguments; instead, his technique is about shrill attacks in all directions, throwing a lot of issues up and hoping that one will stick or that the audience becomes confused by the chaos.

Although not for the reasons Mr. Myhrvold thinks.  He thinks that he’s correcting some unfortunate, hysterical, and inaccurate criticisms of his work that were made by a anti-carbon enthusiast; what he’s actually done is help legitimize the religious fanatic by taking him seriously enough to address.  At great length.  Which will now be seized upon by said religious fanatic and parsed until he can find something else to hammer Myhrvold on, thus hopefully sparking another rebuttal in the Freakonomics NYT blog.

Well, this is how you learn to learn better.  The sooner Myhrvold works out that this has more to do with theology instead of politics – and that he’s the heretic – the happier he’ll end up being.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

I know that ‘Candidates swing away in final debate’ (NJ)…

…may make for an interesting headline; but I have a possibly more accurate one.

Supporters face off

An hour before the debate, crowds of Christie and Daggett supporters faced off in front of the studios, yelling taunts from opposite sides of the street and separated by cars.

“Sinking ship! Sinking ship!” chanted the Daggett fans, a reference to Christie’s slippage in the polls.

“We can’t hear you! We can’t hear you!” answered the Christie squad, which outnumbered Daggett’s group about 4-to-1.

It’s “Jon Corzine can’t draw a crowd.”

Moe Lane

PS: Christie for Governor.

PPS: A comment from Democratic Christie supporter Councilwoman Tana Raymond, on Corzine’s ties to convicted Bergen County Democratic chair Joseph Ferriero:

For years, Jon Corzine facilitated the corrupt leadership of Joseph Ferriero at the Bergen County Democratic Organization with hundreds of thousands of dollars in financial contributions. Even as Corzine preached ethics reform in public, his actions enabled the corrupt status quo and completely contradicted his words. It’s ridiculous for the governor to attempt to play off his financial contributions to Ferriero as something other than what they actually were – Corzine looking the other way in the face of corruption for his own political benefit.”