#rsrh I am disgusted by Big Government’s haystack.

Disgusted and sickly envious: what the hell does a man have to do to get the kind of unhinged conspiracy theorizing that ‘stack scored, there? – Because whatever the requirements are, dammit, I’ve earned some.  I mean, I dunno: work for nine years at the craft of blogging, help create one of the most influential go-to Right-political websites out there, and what do I have to show for it?

Yes, yes, an iPad 2 and a turnaround time of two hours on callbacks.  Hush, I’m busy feeling put-upon and petulant.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh I am disgusted by Big Government’s haystack.

‘Doctor Death’ dead.

Jack Kevorkian died this morning.  He was best – actually, only – known for being an enthusiastic supporter of assisted suicide.  Frankly, I think that he got off on killing people.  Sure, Kevorkian did it with their permission and participation, and only then – but you looked in his eyes, and there was something there looking back that fed on death.  Something that was always hungry.

Oh, well, he’s no longer humanity’s problem.

#rsrh Andrew Klavan takes it to the edge.

With his (hilarious) one-state solution for the Middle East:

Especially this line:

“Some anti-Semites that the Jews already run America, but that’s ridiculous. If the Jews ran America we wouldn’t be fourteen trillion dollars in debt. (pause) Knuckleheads.”

There’s going to be some epic-level whining over that observation. Which is not the same as calling it incorrect, necessarily.

(Via Instapundit)

Moe Lane

PS: One other factoid for you: hey, where’s the safest place in the Middle East to be an openly gay Muslim? Yup, you guessed it: Israel.

A quick, inside-blogball note.

I only punch down when I have a personal interest in putting the boot in.  Or I feel like it.  I personally consider blog wars to be a zero-sum kind of situation: somebody’s going to be wasting his or her time in participating in one, and it’s usually the person with more reach, readers, or reputation.  For that matter, I think that the larger left-sites are mostly there to try to distract folks on my side from going after Left-politicians and opinion leaders; and when you’re playing this game you try to tackle the opposing team, not their cheering squad*.

Whether I’d feel this way if I wasn’t part of  RedState (which is a website that everyone by now ranks as one of the top political blogs out there) is, of course, another question entirely.  One that I will ignore with dignity.

Moe Lane

*Unless they offer you a gratuitously free hit, mind you.

I am in the Witcher 2 hell.

The one spoken of here.  I was wondering where it was, and now I know.

Dear God, do I know.


Moe Lane

PS: Other than that, it’s awesome. Once I figured out how to hit things. And pick up things. And find things. And do every other thing that worked perfectly well in The Witcher Enhanced, not that I thought that at the time…


Deconsmurphing smurfs.

So, this guy thinks that the Smurfs are racists, sexists, and anti-Semites. I dunno, man: they are Belgian, after all… and God knows that the Belgians have pretty much lost any right to the benefit of the doubt when it comes to racial sensitivity issues.  On the other hand, so have post-modernists, although admittedly the pomos have a considerably smaller direct body count.

On the gripping hand, as somebody once said: Charlie don’t smurf, man.

Charlie don’t smurf.

Moe Lane

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Michael Williams to switch to TX-33 race?

Very possibly: the proposed district includes Arlington, which is where Michael Williams lives, and it would certainly help resolve the embarrassment-of-riches problem that Texas conservatives are having with regard to the upcoming Senate race. The key will be whether the proposed congressional maps go through or not… and let us simply say that the new Texas redistricting maps are interesting.

Well, hey, Illinois.

Still: no secret that I – and RedState – like Michael, or that we would all breathe a happy sigh of relief if we didn’t actually have to choose between him and Ted Cruz for TX-SEN.  Michael is a good guy who is pretty strong on energy policy: having him in the House in 2013 would be fantastic, particularly if it’s in conjunction with a Republican Senate and/or White House.  Guess we’ll see how that turns out.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

I keep seeing this article.

Listen up, fellas: Naked man-parts? Not so sexy.”

We polled some women. Really, they would like to see . . .

“I would like a photo of a made bed,” says Kathryn Roberts, who works at a law firm in Washington. “I would take rose petals, but I want them on top of a made bed.” And not that fake kind of made, either, where the comforter is smooth but the sheets are a jumbled mess.

“Or laundry,” adds her friend Andrea Neurohr.

“Folded laundry,” elaborates Roberts. “Maybe in a wicker basket.”

I’ve seen this sentiment in tweets, emails, a call from my wife… which last one hurt, because if there’s any pictures of my junk out there it’s going to be news to me.  Anyway, I think that we can safely assume that this Weinergate thing has hit the mainstream.  Also, that there’s a lot of men out there laboring under the apparent delusion that women want to see their junk.  God, we really are descended from plains apes, huh?

Moe Lane