So, should I get some HATS… [NSFW]

up in this [expletive deleted] [No, really, the link is NSFW]?

I honestly wonder some time how people actually make money from blogging/websites.  Obviously, people do – but if I was counting on either or PayPal* to do anything on a regular basis except give me the price of a couple of books per month, I’d probably be exceedingly panicky at this point. And – thanks largely to my RedState presence, honestly – I’m one of the success stories.

I know, I know: I’ve done this post before. Forgive me: the Penny Arcade comic was just too [NSFW] absurdist to pass up.

Continue reading So, should I get some HATS… [NSFW]

#rsrh No recess appointments over July 4th break?

While we’re on the subject of what goes around, comes around…

President Obama will likely be blocked from making recess appointments over next week’s July 4th break, according to Republican Senate sources.

The Senate is likely to hold so-called “pro forma” sessions at least every three days over the holiday week, thus preventing Obama from making any such appointments during the period, according to the sources.

Essentially, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid doesn’t want to adjourn without passing a budget, and Harry Reid doesn’t want to pass a budget, and the only people who get truly shafted by pro forma sessions will be progressives, anyway*.  You see, pro forma sessions equals ‘no recess appointments;’ which means that all of those would-be government officials deemed too controversial for the regular nomination process get to stay on the sidelines cooling their heels.  Like, for example, Elizabeth Warren of the ‘Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’ – who I am explicitly pointing out by name solely for the sheer pleasure in reminding the Left that President Obama doesn’t have the guts to fight for her.

Never has – and, likely, never will.

Moe Lane

*In other words, nobody that matters.

White House caves on tax hikes in debt ceiling talks.

Personally, I’m not entirely certain why the Obama administration is so adamant about raising taxes on small businesses, but they’ve at least abandoned their previous position where a possible early end to Bush-era tax breaks (now scheduled to expire in 2012) was on the debt ceiling negotiating table.  Unfortunately, the White House is still adamantly refusing to accept the pesky objective reality that there are no Magical Revenue Generators that will allow the country to boost the tax-to-GDP revenue ratio to 25%, forever.  In other words, the Democrats don’t want to even think about making spending cuts, and they’re reacting to exasperated Republican calls for them in precisely the same way that pigs react when you don’t refill the trough with swill.

I know that people out there get exasperated with the GOP some times, but if there’s been a better contrast in recent memory between Bad and Worse* than in the comparison of this Congress to the last one, I can’t think of it offhand.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*More like Not Perfect and Hideously Awful, in my personal opinion – but I sometimes have to factor in a certain institutional pessimism when I write stuff for the VRWC.

#rsrh QotD, Ed Morrissey Read My Mind edition.

Ed, upon news that House Democrats are discovering nobody cares about their input* (which is fully in keeping with House Democrats’ own behavior from 2007 to 2010):

“…what goes around, comes around.”

Ain’t that the truth.  They say that revenge is a dish that is best served cold.  I’ve long taken the position that revenge is a dish that is best served… served; the actual temperature can be to taste.

Moe Lane

*Even though they kept Nancy Pelosi as their leader!  Imagine that!

#rsrh Almost time to start tracking the money again…

I’m reminded by this Jim Geraghty post that it’s getting to be time to start having to look at who’s raising cash this cycle, and how much, and what that means in the larger context.  I had personally hoped that I wouldn’t actually have to, but that was before the President started airily talking about raising a billion dollars for the 2012 election cycle.  True, his handlers have since retracted that one (with variable degrees of cold sweat attached), but what’s the fun in your ego writing checks that your body can’t cash if nobody can forever hold those checks over your head afterward?

Besides, it keeps my spreadsheet skills sharp.

#rsrh Topic for discussion: electing judges.

Sparked by this report that apparently George Soros is pushing against electing non-federal judges: aside from the general rule of thumb of ‘George Soros does not generally act in what he what he would consider America’s best interests,’ are judicial elections a good thing, or not?


Moe Lane

PS: I don’t know.

Gov. Scott Walker (R, WI) balances budget over Democratic protests.

Via Ann Althouse comes this video of a mini-stampede by Wisconsin Democrats, upon hearing that Governor Scott Walker was supposedly leaving the Capitol after signing legislation balancing the budget without raising taxes:

…Oops. Well. Natural mistake. Try this: Continue reading Gov. Scott Walker (R, WI) balances budget over Democratic protests.

Bad news on Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Apparently, it’s good.

It’s really, really good, in ways that push all of my buttons when it comes to RPGs, plus the buttons that I presume would get pushed by a MMO, thus putting it absolutely, totally, dangerously into DO NOT BUY THIS GAME IF YOU WISH TO REMAIN A FUNCTIONAL MEMBER OF SOCIETY territory.

But I knew that after I saw the trailer last year:

Continue reading Bad news on Star Wars: The Old Republic.