Antiwar Left to crank-call State Department over Gaza.

I (and Legal Insurrection) AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.  It all has to do with that flotilla that antiwar activists are putting together to help notorious terrorist group Hamas out in the Gaza strip via a little blockade-running; turns out the Greeks have impounded a number of the boats, so 0ur favorite Useful Idiots are calling for antiwar activists to call up the State Department Monday morning and sing “Let My People Go” at them*.

Lyrics were provided.


Normally, I’d now suggest that the Antiwar Left’s next tactic would be to flood the White House switchboard to ask if they had Prince Albert in a can – only, given that old rumor that the man was really  the illegitimate son of a Jewish German baron, it’s entirely possible that nobody in the Antiwar Left would actually want to let him out. Continue reading Antiwar Left to crank-call State Department over Gaza.

#rsrh NYT uses Blumenthal crony to attack Breitbart.

Yes.  Shocking.

You know, if the New York Times is going to write a piece on Andrew Breitbart that features a largely unfavorable set of quotes from one James B McPherson, they should at least have the elementary politeness to mention that:

Continue reading #rsrh NYT uses Blumenthal crony to attack Breitbart.

‘Wanna-B-Listers.’ I dunno: does it SING?

It’s kind of obscure, as it references my theory of the Left Blogosphere’s Hierarchy. Which, in case you were wondering, goes like this: there are three levels to the Left-side of the ‘sphere.

  • A-List.  About three to seven blogs and sites.  Ostensibly (and ostentatiously) progressive; very, very whitebread; not… precisely in it for the advertising, but they think three times before they burn a bridge with a major revenue source.  Effectively house organs for the Democratic party.
  • B-List.  About twenty to forty blogs and sites.  Radically progressive; invariably specialized in one particular type.  Survives by being reliable source of non-whitebread material for the A-List.  Most likely to whine about advertising.
  • C-List.  Everybody else.  Rabidly progressive; desperate to join the upper Lists; apparently laboring under the delusion that the best way to do that is to pick fights with the Right.  Most likely to be bitterly resentful at the lack of advertising.

…at least, that’s how it looks from my (admittedly, outsider’s) point of view.  Personally, I don’t know what’s more pathetic: sucking up to the Democratic party elite, or sucking up to the people who suck up to the Democratic party elite* – but nobody asked me, right?  Anyway, that’s the rationale behind the sneer… and it’s not very nice, is it?  It’s not very nice.

OK, so I won’t use it.  Fine.  Be like that.

Moe Lane

Continue reading ‘Wanna-B-Listers.’ I dunno: does it SING?

Green Power kills Golden Eagles, California Condors.

And yes, before we go any further: the article does in fact think that golden eagles are just over 34 feet tall*.  Which would be absolutely awesome – you could, like, ride one and it wouldn’t matter how fast the bird was, because you’d have a bird of prey for your riding mount and so you wouldn’t care what people were saying because, you know, if they were as cool as you they’d be riding a golden eagle… where was I?

Oh, yes.  Wind turbines.  Pure death on birds, as everybody knows and nobody wants to say (unless you’re trying to keep them out of sight of the Kennedy compound) – and it turns out that golden eagles are not exactly blessed with brains, so they have incredible difficulty getting out of the way of giant stationary rotating blades of DOOM:

The death count along the ridgelines of the Bay Area’s Altamount Pass Wind Resource Area has averaged 67 a year for three decades.

The 200ft high turbines[**], which have been operating since the 1980s, lie in the heart of the grassy canyons that are home to one of the highest densities of nesting golden eagles in the US.

‘It would take 167 pairs of local nesting golden eagles to produce enough young to compensate for their mortality rate related to wind energy production,’ field biologist Doug Bell, manager of East Bay Regional Park District’s wildlife programme, told the Los Angeles Times. ‘We only have 60 pairs,’ he added.

Not for much longer, it seems.  Continue reading Green Power kills Golden Eagles, California Condors.

Saw Super 8 today…

…had to choose between that and Green Lantern: I think that I chose wisely. It was absolutely vintage early Spielberg… and while I have nothing at all against later Spielberg, it was nice to be reminded why we gave Spielberg a chance to show us later Spielberg in the first place.  If you fondly remember seeing E.T., The Goonies, and/or Close Encounters of the Third Kind in theaters growing up, you should have a good time at this film.

There’s also a nice 1950s Atomic Horror movie sensibility going through the whole thing, too. Always a plus.

#rsrh Yes, David Carr, you said that aloud.

If it’s Kansas, Missouri, no big deal. You know, that’s the dance of the low-sloping foreheads.”

Let’s see:

Former Governor, current HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius

Governor Jay Nixon
Attorney General Chris Koster
Secretary of State Robin Carnahan
Treasurer Clint Zweifel
Representative William ‘Lacy’ Clay
Representative Russ Carnahan (OK, I’ll give him this one)
Representative Emanuel Cleaver
Senator Claire McCaskill

I’m trying to imagine what the reaction would be if I referred to any of these people – besides Russ Carnahan, of course – as being ‘low-sloping forehead’ types. Something memorable, I’d imagine. But then, I’m not a writer for the New York Times, so possibly people just simply require me to have basic social hygiene.

Moe Lane

[Oops! HT: Hot Air Headlines]

Reviewing Ann Bradley’s physical attack on David Prosser…

what?  I am perfectly entitled to use the rules of thumb popularized by left-wing hack groups like ThinkProgress or Talking Points Memo: since they felt justified in using uncorroborated anonymous reports to vicariously convict Prosser of assault, they have absolutely no justification for other people using the precise same criteria to vicariously convict Bradley.  Besides, my version makes much more coherent sense.

OK, let me explain this one for folks coming in late.  About two weeks ago there was supposedly a violen… oh, let’s not use euphemisms: supposedly, two Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices (Prosser and Bradley) got into a fight.  It was first reported that Prosser put Bradley in a choke-hold – whereupon most of the Online Left dropped their pants and started typing blissfully angry screeds about how the crime of one Supreme Court Justice attacking another Supreme Court Justice could only be made right with an immediate resignation – only to have it later come out that other reports had it that Bradley had actually charged Prosser with fists raised, and that Prosser was merely defending himself against a larger and younger opponent.  Complicating all of this is the minor detail that no charges were apparently filed*, and Bradley has only now come out with a rather belated claim accusing Prosser of the choking, while not explaining why she is not pursuing a criminal case.  Which is very possibly due to the fact that there’s at least one witness apparently who told Bradley at the time that no, she had not been choked.

Note, by the way, that all of the people involved – participants and witnesses – are Wisconsin Supreme Court Justices.  You’re going to see some fascinating dissents from these people for the next few years. Continue reading Reviewing Ann Bradley’s physical attack on David Prosser…