QotD, That Would Be Nice edition.

Glenn Reynolds, letting out his inner libertarian:

So now that New York will have happily-maried gay couples, can we get started on letting them have the closets full of assault rifles?

Lurking in that question is the key difference between liberalism and libertarianism – and it’s liberalism that comes off second-best in the comparison.

Kill all the Canada geese you want, @annalthouse.

Heck, up there they’re probably full of fat and grease and all those good things; you can get some good eating off of them before they swoop down to the Eastern seaboard and make themselves at home and us miserable.  You have poor people up there, right?  Well, shoot more geese then and feed those people.  And it’ll only be easier, what with the recent civil rights victory in Wisconsin

What?  Oh, sorry: Ann was demonstrating a laudably bloodthirsty attitude towards slaughtering entire flocks of Canada geese, and I was encouraging her.  Shoot ’em, pluck ’em, gut ’em, roast ’em on fires right there in the park and go get some fresh corn.  I don’t know what wine goes with firepit Canada goose, though: whatever it is, it should complement PETA tears*…

Moe Lane

*I am from New Jersey.  We HATE Canada geese.  I’m not exactly sure why – well, more accurately I don’t know why we’re so irrational about it.

So, Hugo Chavez is in the hospital?

Lots of speculation as to why, up to and including prostate cancer.  Cancer’s a horrible way to go, of course, but what nobody’s apparently noting is that the reason that Chavez still in the hospital is almost certainly because it’s a Cuban one.  Propagandists like Michael Moore to the contrary, Commies tend to suck at anything that doesn’t involve turning large numbers of living peasants into dead ones.

Yes, yes, yes, they have the best health care ever.  That’s why they have all of those guards; it’s to keep people from sneaking into Cuba in order to get their gallbladders removed*.

Moe Lane

Via @allahpundit.

*Give me the resources of a country and a reasonable cut of the proceeds and I can create a functional medical tourism system that caters to the Third World, too.  Particularly if malpractice suits aren’t an issue.

#rsrh Fast & Furious update. It’s bad.

It’s very, very, very bad.

CBS News has confirmed that ATF Fast and Furious “walked” guns have been linked to the terrorist torture and murder of the brother of a Mexican state attorney general last fall.

That is ‘recall the Mexican ambassador to the USA’ bad.  Wars have been started over less – probably not in this case, given the rather lopsided power levels of the two countries involved, but that does not excuse anything.  It also answers once and for all just how much Mexican officials knew about Operation Fast & Furious / Gunrunner in the first place; and I cannot imagine that the Mexican government is pleased with us right now.  I cannot actually blame them, either.

Background here: the short version is that the US government set up a program where it deliberately permitted firearms intended to be illegally resold in Mexico be resold in Mexico.  Naturally, these guns were then used to kill people, including at least one Federal agent (and now, Mexican officials).  There is increasing speculation that the overarching goal was to use this situation to justify more stringent gun control laws in the United States.

Heads will roll over this.

Via Say Uncle, via Instapundit.

Moe Lane

Anybody play Temple of Elemental Evil?

It’s available for Windows 7 platforms here and it’s six bucks.  Did it suck?

Moe Lane

PS: If it sucked and you see another one on here that was like ZOMG that was so good or something, sing out.  I haven’t played a lot of these, mostly because I was poor when they came out.

PS: The main site is GOG.com; they apparently go out, buy rights to games from now-defunct companies, reconfigure them so that they work on later operating systems and sell you the result for less than ten bucks.  Seems like… a pretty good deal, actually.

‘The Failure of Al Gore.’

This article by Walter Russell Mead on Al Gore’s habitual and stunning eco-hypocrisy is frustrating: finding just one part to excerpt is difficult, and I can’t reproduce the whole thing.  But, a taste:

Al Gore’s lifestyle is a test case for the credibility of his gospel — and it fails. The tolerance of Al Gore’s lifestyle by the environmental leadership is a further test — and that test, too, the greens fail.

The average citizen is all too likely to conclude that if Mr. Gore can keep his lifestyle, the average American family can keep its SUV and incandescent bulbs.  If Gore can take a charter flight, I don’t have to take the bus.  If Gore can have many mansions, I can use the old fashioned kind of shower heads that actually clean and toilets that actually flush.  Al Gore looks to the average American the way American greens look to poor people in the third world: hypocritically demanding that others accept permanently lower standards of living than those the activists propose for themselves.

Or, as Glenn Reynolds (H/T, by the way) likes to put it, “I’ll believe that this is a problem when the people me telling me that it’s a problem start acting like it’s a problem.”  – Only, if you’re going to wait for that to happen then I suggest that you pack a lunch.

Moe Lane

#rsrh Eight in two years.

Eight being the number of attacks/planned attacks/foiled attacks against military facilities in the USA since January of 2009.  For those trying to keep track, they were (I believe):

Note the theme.  As Ace of Spades practically snarls, it’s not like the New York Times can.

Moe Lane

*Before anybody perks up: 9/11 Troofer.

I’m against stripping #MMFA’s tax exempt status.

Oh, they totally deserve having it stripped, of courseeven Democrats admit that Media Matters for America is a cheap strumpet for their party – but I have a pragmatic reason for being against removing their tax exempt status.  If MMfA loses its tax exempt status, it will inevitably go belly-up (nobody’s going to fund an exposed fake tax-free), so after it goes belly-up the cash currently being allocated to keeping it around will unquestionably end up going to another liberal/progressive/Democratic institution.  Given that the propensity for MMfA staffers to have both thumbs up their asses is so institutionalized that it’s now part of their dress code, this could only be an improvement for the Left.

So.  George.  Double their budget.  Or, Hell,  just give ’em big stacks of cash and have ’em burn them in a field.  It’ll save you some time, really.

Moe Lane

PS: No, seriously.  They really do suck that badly.