“Dare to be Stupid.”


Dare To Be Stupid, “Weird Al” Yankovic

The strangest thing about this video is that, in point of fact, this is pretty much how New Wave music videos operated back then. It’s not actually as over-the-top as it looks.  Don’t believe me?  Check this one out:


Not a parody.

Jonathan Bryant calls George Rodriguez a Nazi.

Jonathan Bryant is a teacher for the San Antonio Edgewood Independent School District; George Rodriguez is the president of the San Antonio Tea Party.  The video is below.

More details here… which do not include Jonathan Bryant’s name, although they were happy to include George’s.  The teacher, by the way, will not be be subject for discipline by his school district for calling Rodriguez a Nazi; there’s not even an indication that Jonathan Bryant was required, or will be required, to apologize for his language.  Well, you know how it is with liberal academics.  They’ve long discovered that they can say whatever they like to conservative minorities (or perceived conservative minorities), and nobody on their side will say boo.

Moe Lane (crosspost) Continue reading Jonathan Bryant calls George Rodriguez a Nazi.

#rsrh NYT notices that small donors aren’t into Obama right now.

Which apparently is news to the New York Times.  What it is not news to is anybody who happens to be on Barry Obama’s OfA mailing list: the tone of the begging emails has gotten steadily less ‘hope and change’ and steadily more ‘hope you’ll spare some change.’  Hard to tell that from the usual ‘give us money or the universe will end’ that you get from these kinds of email solicitations, but these days the Obama campaign seems particularly eager to get as many individual donors as possible.   Which makes sense, given that said campaign is essentially trying to bluff the country into thinking that their man-god is just as popular in 2011 as he was in 2008…

Help. KOTOR is eating my brain.

And let me tell you: playing it after playing KOTOR 2 is hurting my brain.  Was the sequel as gleeful as the original at trying to send your character spiraling inward to the Dark Side, and I just don’t remember? – because Knights of the Old Republic seems pretty damned determined to bring me down.  And I understand that it gets worse as you go on.

Fun game, though.

#rsrh Santorum had momentum?

Completely in passing during his examination of Herman Cain casually and cheerfully telling Morgan Freeman to [expletive] off about all that racism nonsense, Ed Morrisey noted this:

After Thursday’s debate, a lot of people thought Rick Santorum had seized the momentum…

Really?  The only reason why I didn’t announce that Rick Santorum had finally torpedoed his chances Thursday night because doing so would have implied that I thought that he had a chance worth a torpedo in the first place.  Being caught in the blast radius of the gay solder booing thing (whether or not he deserved to be) was pretty much it for him; we’re just now waiting for Santorum to drop out and endorse Romney.  Which I figure that he and Michele Bachmann will, before too much longer.

Yeah, I know.  It makes sense in context of the primary cycle, though.

Moe Lane



Badlands, Bruce Springsteen

The odd paradox of Bruce Springsteen is that he got ahead in this world by singing legitimately powerful and heartfelt songs about… how people like Bruce Springsteen can’t get ahead in this world.

Oops.  On the other hand, what is he supposed to do?  Give back the money and awards?  I wouldn’t.

Herman Cain wins Florida straw poll.

By a significant amount:

[Herman] Cain, the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza who charmed the three-day Republican conference’s delegates, took 37.1 percent of the vote, with Texas Gov. Rick Perry second with 15.4 percent.

The rest of the results: Mitt Romney, 14 percent; Rick Santorum, 10. 9 percent; Ron Paul, 10.4 percent; Newt Gingrich, 8.4 percent; Jon Huntsman, 2.3 percent; and Michele Bachmann 1.5 percent.

The very quick take: excellent news for Cain, who generally shone in Thursday’s debate. Bad news for Perry, as he was actively trying to win this race (and did not shine in Thursday’s debate). Romney’s people are currently telling themselves and the media that it is not equally bad news for Romney, as he didn’t try to win this poll; which is true, but it’s bad news for Romney nonetheless. As Karl over at Hot Air notes, from Mitt’s point of view the race comes down to Romney vs. Non-Romney… and from what I’m seeing, the GOP base is more or less in agreement that they’d like not-Romney, thanks. For everybody else… this poll taunts Santorum, embarrasses Paul, and the rest should just go home. As should Santorum and Paul, frankly. Continue reading Herman Cain wins Florida straw poll.


Are you shocked?  Because I’m shocked:

Russia’s prime minister Vladimir Putin will return to his post as president next year after he and president Dmitry Medvedev announced they were switching jobs.

The announcement was made on Saturday at the annual conference of United Russia, the hegemonic party that controls two-thirds of Russia’s parliament. It put to rest intrigue over Mr Putin’s next move.

No, really, I’m shocked.  I had it figured that Putin would surely have had the evidence planted by now that absolutely proved that he was the long-lost grandson of Anastasia.  Ever think that old Vladimir wakes up sometimes cursing how thorough the Bolsheviks were* at slaughtering the Romanov dynasty?

Moe Lane

*Admittedly, if there’s anything that you can count on Commies being good at, it’s the mass slaughter of people who can’t fight back.  It’s like they took their skill at everything else (like food production) and dedicated it towards learning how to efficiently kill innocents.