#OWS Occupy London Stock Exchange not showing up on standard thermal scans.

It’s the funniest thing.  You know Western civilization?  That patriarchal, logocentric, heteronormative collection of imperial hubris, Gaeacidal ideology, facist-capitalist-authoritarian economics, and war-worshipping mindset that continually oppresses the organizationally challenged and seeks to dismiss the concerns of the differently-paradigmed?  Yeah, those folks.  You know what their phallocentric engineer-destroyers have been doing while more enlightened people have been conducting on-street seminars on the inherent privilege found in semiotic analysis of protest communication – at least, said analysis that is insufficiently diverse so as to accept the profound meaning implied by unconstrained grammar and nonrestricted spelling*?   Can you guess?

Well, I’ll tell you: they went out and invented thermal imaging. Which is, of course, something that lets you look at a bunch of tents and determine whether they’ve got people in them or not. In fact, London’s Daily Mail sent out a person with a thermal imaging camera to Occupy London Stock Exchange late one night and discovered that the answer was mostly not: Continue reading #OWS Occupy London Stock Exchange not showing up on standard thermal scans.

Annnnnd I return.

Colonial Williamsburg.  There was rum.  There were ribs.  There was my wife getting some valuable spa time.  There were my kids learning to play mini-golf.  And there was rum.

Well, I’m back.

Moe Lane

PS: Nasty weather this weekend, huh?  Indeed, my wife reports sleet.  Sounds like a perfect opportunity for dry socks – oh, so dry – and hot chicken noodle soup.

Joe Biden wants the scary, scary Human Events reporter to go away.

First, let’s refresh people’s memory of what happened.

For those without video: basically, what happened was that after Joe Biden Opened His Mouth and announced that voting against the President’s job bill would result in more rapes in Flint, Michigan, Jason Mattera of Human Events confronted the Vice President on Biden’s statement.  If you watch the video, you’ll see that Mattera ‘ambushed’ VP Biden by cruelly saying the magic word ‘picture:’ this of course caused Biden to go into full Pavlovian politician mode… thus freezing him for just long enough for Mattera to ask Biden on the record whether that language was appropriate for a sitting Vice President.  Biden then attempted to push out a cloud of link by standing by his statement that rapes were up three times in Flint – which, by the way, Factcheck.org calls a ‘whopper;’ i.e., a lie – and then made a hasty retreat.

So.  Point to Human Events.  But now it gets better. Continue reading Joe Biden wants the scary, scary Human Events reporter to go away.

#rsrh #OWS Occupy Oakland ends in tears, tear gas.

(H/T: Verum Serum) Or should that be ‘tear gas, tears?’  More cause-and-effect that way:

Early Tuesday, the city began ousting protesters who have camped out for two weeks at the Occupy Oakland tent city on Frank H. Ogawa Plaza. Police started assembling around the tent city at 14th Street and Broadway at about 3 a.m.

I am afraid that I have perhaps not the greatest sympathy in the world for these people, which might have been made clear by my visible surprise that the Oakland city fathers did not follow the example of then-Mayor Moonbeam and use wooden bullets to disperse the protesters.

And… that’s all that pretty much has to be said about Occupy Oakland, huh?  – Unless they come back, that is.

#rsrh Bombshell: Okinawa Jack Murtha was… (gasp!) DIRTY.


Last week’s release of FBI documents finally put in writing what nobody had ever said on the record: The FBI suspected that former Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.) and lobbyists close to him were running a scheme to funnel earmarks to sham companies and nonprofits to benefit the lawmaker’s friends and former staffers.

Bits and pieces of this story were kicked around for years before Murtha died in February 2010. The Los Angeles Times, Roll Call, the Washington Post and others had documented the odd appearance of earmarks for tiny defense contractors that just happened to open an office in western Pennsylvania and just happened to hire one of the lobbying firms close to Murtha and just happened to begin making campaign donations to Murtha and other Members of Congress close to him.

Yes, that was sarcasm. Continue reading #rsrh Bombshell: Okinawa Jack Murtha was… (gasp!) DIRTY.