#rsrh So the word is that Perry is out.

It’s a shame, of course: Perry wasn’t my first choice – Pawlenty was – but I liked Rick’s positions on pretty much everything that wasn’t a social issue.  And, of course, he was a governor, which became my absolute minimum requirement after the 2008 disaster and remains so to this day.


Well, it’s highly unlikely that the Romney campaign’s going to reach out to me on this anyway, so I guess it’s time to start on House/Senate/Governor races.  I have further comments, but “First: do no harm.”

Kinda “Money,” kind of not.

I noticed that AoSHQ has gotten itself an Amazon Associates store, so I thought that I should blatantly steal the idea and have one, too: and here it is. Note that I have a Friends of the Site tab (idea likewise blatantly stolen from AoSHQ): if you’re a regular reader/commenter and you’ve got a book that you’re selling via Amazon.com, by all means suck up for a link (I obviously need to put more stuff up on there). If I can figure out a way to get the MoeLane Amazon store to embed on a page here without it looking awful, I will do so.

Anyway, here’s some Pink Floyd.

Money, Pink Floyd

#rsrh Maurice Hinchey (D, NY-22) …to retire.

[UPDATE: Welcome, AoSHQ readers.]

Yeah, normally I categorize this sort of thing as ‘cutting and running,’ but the man just fought off colon cancer.  That stuff is nasty and even I have limits to my dearth of sympathy towards Democratic legislators.

Anyway… NY-22 is currently D+6, but who knows what will happen after the next redistricting? …Actually, according to Ed Koch this is a – his words, not mine – ‘godsend:’ Continue reading #rsrh Maurice Hinchey (D, NY-22) …to retire.

#rsrh Scorecard of Senators coming to their senses on PIPA.

Three Four Five Six and a half so far.  List via here: note that I only have Republican cosponsors listed, largely because the Democratic ones don’t listen to Republicans and the netroots won’t dare push their own side to do anything meaningful.  I’ll link to retractions as I go along.

Sen Alexander, Lamar [TN] – 5/25/2011
Sen Ayotte, Kelly [NH] – 6/27/2011 [link] (via FireAndreaMitchell)
Sen Blunt, Roy [MO] – 5/23/2011 [link]
Sen Boozman, John [AR] – 6/15/2011 [link]
Sen Chambliss, Saxby [GA] – 11/2/2011
Sen Cochran, Thad [MS] – 6/23/2011
Sen Corker, Bob [TN] – 6/9/2011
Sen Enzi, Michael B. [WY] – 9/7/2011
Sen Graham, Lindsey [SC] – 5/12/2011
Sen Grassley, Chuck [IA] – 5/12/2011 [link] (Grassley has not yet formally repudiated PIPA)
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT] – 5/12/2011 [link]
Sen Isakson, Johnny [GA] – 11/2/2011
Sen McCain, John [AZ] – 7/26/2011
Sen Risch, James E. [ID] – 11/7/2011
Sen Rubio, Marco [FL] – 5/26/2011 [link]
Sen Vitter, David [LA] – 11/7/2011  [link]

#rsrh Mexican narco-terrorist gang beheadings come to America?

Oh, boy:

Three beheadings in two different states and they happened here in the United States, not Mexico.

Former DEA supervisor Phil Jordan says all three beheadings have cartel written all over them. They happened in Arizona and Oklahoma in the past year.

More here.  The cops suspect that it’s related to human trafficking – or, as AoSHQ put it, forced prostitution.  We won’t go into the actual partisan politics of this too deeply – virtually everybody agrees that murdering/decapitating Mexicans* and Americans is not a good thing – but I’d like to still note for the record (since we’re more or less on the subject) that the federal government really does need to come up with a better policy for dealing with Mexican narco-terrorist groups than selling them easily-converted semiautomatic weapons.  Certainly the Mexican government would appreciate that…

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh Mexican narco-terrorist gang beheadings come to America?

Marco Rubio withdraws support for PIPA!

It has just been announced that the good Senator from Florida has listened to the concerns of the Online Right and has decided to stop being a cosponsor for PIPA, which is of course the Senate counterpart to the Hollywood-sponsored Internet-censoring SOPA bill.  This is frankly a relief: Senator Rubio has long been a friend to sites like, say, RedState, and it would have been absolutely painful to encourage a primary challenge to him in 2016 over this issue.

I encourage everyone reading this to, again, contact your Senators and Congressman to tell them to follow Sen. Rubio’s lead and reaffirm their stance against censorship.  Especially if your Senators and/or Congressman is a Democrat: the Online Right has to do the heavy lifting on this one, as the netroots find it institutionally, ah,  problematic to challenge its leadership*. Continue reading Marco Rubio withdraws support for PIPA!

Today is the day a lot of sites go dark.

Over the dangerous SOPA/PIPA bills.

I’m personally – surprise, surprise! – more in line with RedState’s main position, which is that when you set out to train a mule you first must get the mule’s attention.  Or, in this case, an elephant’s.  That means threatening primary challenges… which is something that, by and large, the Online Left opposing SOPA/PIPA will not do.

Speaking purely objectively: they should start, frankly.  The Right has gotten a lot of bills killed over the years with a well-placed growl at just the right moment…

Moe Lane

PS: Call your Congressman.