Wow. I’m running out of Skyrim.

Just in time for Mass Effect 3, too. Which works out – but wasn’t there supposed to be DLC for Skyrim by now? I mean, it’s been out for a few months, and from what I can tell I wasn’t the only one who got mind-controlled by the game there for a while.

Also… poor Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.  I bought the game on the strength of the demo, and there it sits.  Patiently.  Possibly too patiently.  It may be plotting…

#rsrh Looks like the Elizabeth Warren boomlet has faded…

…and by ‘faded’ I mean ‘disappeared.”

OK, that’s a little cruel – and, more to the point, anticipatory.  Still,  two new polls inRasmussen and Mass Insight – show Brown leading Warren 49/44 and 52/42, respectively (the last Mass Insight poll had Brown over Warren 44/39).  National Journal, never being one to avoid taking a slap at a Republican, notes that “[t]he new poll does not reflect the weeks of controversy around Brown’s co-sponsorship of legislation permitting employers to restrict access to contraception insurance coverage on religious grounds.”  The assumption there is apparently that Massachusetts voters are going to be upset with Senator Brown taking an identical position on that issue to Teddy Kennedy… and, yeah, if you write it out that way it really does sound like whistling in the dark, huh?  I should also note that Suffolk found Brown up by 9 two weeks ago, so this isn’t exactly coming out of the blue.

Meanwhile, here’s the MA GOP ad on the Hollywood hypocrisy of Elizabeth Warren:

Don’t you just love phony populists?  They know the words, they know the moves, they even know the tune… but people like Elizabeth Warren can never quite fake sincerity well enough to really sell the product.  But who knows?  Maybe the Democratic party of Massachusetts will have a rush of oxygen to the brain and nominate somebody else…

Oh, wait, no: they thought that Martha Coakley was a viable choice for US Senator.  Never mind…

Moe Lane

The DOOM that came to Obamacare.

So. We move on. 

Gallup did a poll on Obamacare (news flash: people still aren’t supporting it), and came up with (among other things) this fascinating result:

That, folks, is about as close to a consensus among the American people as you’re likely to get on health care: the majority of the population thinks that the government does not have the right to force you to buy health insurance.  And that includes ‘a majority of Democrats’ and ‘a majority of people who like the idea of Obamacare.’  If I was working for this administration, I’d be praying right now that the Supreme Court strikes down the individual mandate; because if it’s still in place in November – and if this poll is accurate – then there’s going to be a lot of people out there who will be aware that the Republican nominee – whoever that is – will have explicitly campaigned on repealing it…

H/T The Volokh Conspiracy.

I have a problem with this “Go to hell Barack.” sign.

Strictly speaking, it should be “Go to Hell, President Obama.”

The background is that it showed up as an advertisement at a Clarendon, VA Metro shop as part of an advertising campaign for Sick & Sicker, which is apparently a documentary about the Canadian health care system.  As you might have guessed from the ad and/or the documentary topic, it’s not really likely to contain very much in the way of praise for either Barack Obama, or his signature Obamacare legislation  Apparently the Washington Metro Area Transit Authority approved the ad because they’re not allowed to have opinions on political speech – which, by the way, this actually is; we’ve been telling our politicians to go to Hell since George Washington instituted the two-term tradition – and that apparently has gotten at least one politician in a bit of a tizzy:

“This advertisement is inappropriate, disrespectful of the President, and should be removed immediately,” [Rep. Jim] Moran [D, VA] said in a letter to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. “The families with children and thousands of tourists who take Metro everyday should not be subjected to such garbage. I understand WMATA vets these advertisements before allowing them to go up, but it seems someone wasn’t doing their job when this ad was approved.”

Well, shall we discuss “inappropriate” and “disrespectful,” Jimmy?

Sure.  Let’s do that. Continue reading I have a problem with this “Go to hell Barack.” sign.

On hearing that Andrew Breitbart has passed. [UPDATE]

[UPDATE] Thinking about the sad news some more – and seeing not only Jeff’s post, but Erick’s and Brad’s; for that matter, the outpouring of sentiment across the right-blogosphere (and a certain tentative undercurrent of hate across the left-) – I wondered what Andrew would say to comfort the folks that know and miss him, if only he still could.  Then I realized that I knew exactly what he’d say: Andrew would give one of those pauses of his and then quote some of the old labor organizer/hooligan Joe Hill’s last words.

Don’t waste any time mourning. Organize!

Partially because it’s good advice, and partially because Andrew never thought that it was about him, per se… but mostly because the Activist Left absolutely hates it when we take away their most cherished mythological constructs and use them in the cause of righteousness.  Which is why Andrew kept doing it to them, of course.

Continue reading On hearing that Andrew Breitbart has passed. [UPDATE]