Ah, the tolerance of the Left.

See, this is why you need to do oppo research first.

Even a little research would have indicated to this doofus that trying to inflame homophobia on this site would be doubly a fool’s errand.  Mind you, this kind of language would have gotten him thrown off of pretty much the entire Right-side of the ‘sphere anyway, but then we’ve known for some time that the Online Left’s view of the Online Right is terrifyingly evocative of the whispering voices that chitter blasphemies to, and urge horrors from, them in the dark of the night…

Moe Lane

PS: Feel free:

I wouldn’t actually mind picking up Diablo III: Standard Edition.

#rsrh Team Romney REPUDIATES any OUTSIDE reference to Obama’s racist pastor Reverend Jeremiah White.

You know.  The one who said “G*d d*mn America.”

You hear that, folks?  Team Romney wants to make it clear that they REPUDIATE any possible reference by scurrilous individuals about Barack Obama’s willingness to sit and listen to a race-baiting, white-hating bigot preacher for nigh-on twenty years.  They probably will REPUDIATE any mentioning of the fact that said race-baiting, white-hating bigot preacher is out there telling people that the Obama campaign offered him hush money during 2008, too.  Yup.  They’re going to REPUDIATE it all in order to better focus on the economy, which by the way is absolutely HORRIBLE because of the President and his political party.

Hey, you want to see the press conference that Team Romney had to announce that they were going to REPUDIATE any Rev. Jeremiah Wright line of attack?  Here you go:

Continue reading #rsrh Team Romney REPUDIATES any OUTSIDE reference to Obama’s racist pastor Reverend Jeremiah White.

Japan rocks the Ludwig Van.

You see, this is what I like about the Japanese: when it comes to cultural stuff, they have two favorite settings.  Off, and eleven.

This is them cranking Ode To Joy up to eleven.  Crank it up, and budget some time.


Via kung fu grippe, via AoSHQ.

Moe Lane

PS: How the Hell did Schiller and Beethoven manage to make German sound lyrical, anyway?

Romney/RNC almost catches up with Obama/DNC in April.

The New York Times reported this morning that the combined raised total for Romney and the RNC was $40.1 million in April, with Romney having $61.4 million in the bank: in comparison, Obama/the DNC raised $43.6 million.  Barack Obama’s own cash on hand for April – it was $104.1 million at the end of March – and we probably won’t be told it until the Sunday deadline, or possibly a little later than that. Though, to be fair, Romney and the RNC haven’t submitted their latest fundraising reports to the FEC, either.

Also: while I give points to the NYT for mentioning that this was a significant jump from Romney’s March haul of $12.6 million, they might have kept comparing apples-to-apples and included the RNC’s March fundraising total ($13.7 million). Or noted that the Democrats’ $43.6 million number for April represents a drop from March’s $53 million.  Then again, I suppose that there’s a narrative in place. Continue reading Romney/RNC almost catches up with Obama/DNC in April.

#rsrh Clive Crook is required to pretend House went GOP in ’08…

…because it’s pretty much the only way that he can even to get away with his numerous critiques of the GOP in this article of his bemoaning Obama’s chances in November.  Reality was: from 2009 to 2011 the Democratic party was in a position to pass… oh, about 90% of what they wanted.  For a non-trivial amount of that time they were in a position to pass 100% of what they wanted.  They decided to spend that capital passing a ‘stimulus’ that didn’t work, a health care rationing system (which also won’t work) that started out being unpopular and keeps getting more unpopular as time goes on; and trying to pass a massive energy tax program based on, ah, somewhat controversial scientific theories.  I fully cop to the GOP being obstructionist on that one, and thank God for that.  The last thing we need right now is gas prices being even higher. Continue reading #rsrh Clive Crook is required to pretend House went GOP in ’08…

#rsrh Elizabeth Warren (D CAND, MA-SEN PRI), having lived by identity politics…

…may now politically die by them. 

And how tragic, if that ends up being the case.  Come, I will conceal nothing from you: this Twila Barnes individual comes across as having a chip on her shoulder, her nose out of joint, sore elbows from all the jabbing that she does with them, a permanent restless tremor in her knee, and… :snapping fingers: a perfectly toned spleen from all the exercise Barnes gives it!  Betcha thought I couldn’t come up with another body-themed descriptor there, huh?

Well, I am a sexy shoeless god of war.

Continue reading #rsrh Elizabeth Warren (D CAND, MA-SEN PRI), having lived by identity politics…

#rsrh Interesting string of House break-ins, ‘burglaries.’

The National Journal, on a rash of people stealing stuff out of Congressional offices:

“The evidence points to someone with access to my office, and other offices in the Capitol complex, as the perpetrator,” freshman Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., surmised in a letter to the House’s Office of the Chief Administrative Officer.

Other offices hit—many of which handle information dealing with issues of national security, though nothing of a sensitive nature was reportedly taken—include those of Reps. Jerry Lewis, R-Calif., and Jon Runyan, R-N.J.; the Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security; and the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Verrrrrrry interesting.

Those looking for some common link might note that Lewis serves on Appropriations; Gowdy sits on Oversight; and Runyan is a member of the Armed Services Committee.

Well, some other common link.  I need hardly point out the most obvious one, yes? Continue reading #rsrh Interesting string of House break-ins, ‘burglaries.’

Question of the day:

…if your site is not being blocked by either the People’s Republic of China or the Islamic Republic of Iran, is it more meritorious to rectify that oversight by making your disdain for those regimes immediately clear; or else not, on the off chance that somebody suffering under either regime might wander by, and get a taste of freedom?

I’m not sure of the answer, honestly.



Vandals are torching pro-Walker yard signs, and now homeowners and neighbors are worried the crimes could escalate.

Someone set fire to at least five Walker campaign signs here in Fox Point.

Via Hot Air.

Moe Lane

PS: It’s not going to work, by the way.