Obama for America… provides Team Romney with its latest ad.

For free.  Here’s Mitt Romney‘s latest strike-while-the-iron-is-hot attack ad “Big Bain Backfire:”


Nice to see that they’re keeping up with events, huh? Continue reading Obama for America… provides Team Romney with its latest ad.

#rsrh QotD, Obama Actually HAS No Answer To Bain edition.

The Wall Street Journal, pointing out an Unfortunate Truth about Obama’s would-be Bain attacks:

…how to explain the history of Bain Capital? Mr. Romney started the business in 1984. The company has since bought and sold many businesses and executed thousands of financing transactions.

If Bain’s standard operating procedure were to hand the next owner of one of its companies a ticking bankruptcy package, how is Bain still finding buyers nearly three decades later? And who would agree to lend money to a company backed by Bain? Wouldn’t word have gotten around by, say, 1987 that Bain’s portfolio companies weren’t creditworthy?

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, Obama Actually HAS No Answer To Bain edition.

#rsrh MA-SEN Watch: Time to dial it back on Elizabeth Warren?

Because MA Democratic party spokesmen are starting to talk about how they’re not even talking about replacing Ms. Warren somehow.  For those unfamiliar with the rough-and-tumble of political campaigns – which is to say, people like Elizabeth Warren – this is the first warning sign that the leadership of a political party is quietly talking about replacing a substandard candidate somehow.  So… maybe it’s time to let things simmer, as it were.

Yes, I am fully cognizant of the counter-argument that you don’t want to let up on a wounded opposing candidate, but there is the niggling detail that Elizabeth Warren is not yet officially the candidate.  The Democrats could conceivably still blitz an alternative that can gather the signatures for the June 5th deadline and get the 15% of delegates necessary at the June 2nd convention to get on the September primary ballot*; and if there’s too much panic, they probably will.  The only reason that they haven’t, yet, is because Warren has a lot of money and her major primary opponent wants to use the MA-SEN race to argue about how we need single-payer health care; given that Scott Brown won successfully on being the sixtieth vote against Obamacare, you can imagine just how well that particular policy position sits with the MA Democratic brass.  But the Democrats can still decide that they might as well take a chance, so hey: let’s be careful out there. Continue reading #rsrh MA-SEN Watch: Time to dial it back on Elizabeth Warren?

#rsrh #ows So, how did that sonic cannon thing work out?

Apparently last night/early this morning the Chicago cops sent out a Long Range Acoustic Device, or LRAD, to disperse the rioters… excuse me, the ‘peaceful protesters*’.  If you’ve never seen one of these before, well, that probably means that you’re more used to activism on the Tea Party model.  Oddly enough, the police rarely if ever need to use crowd-suppression devices on crowds that end their protests by cleaning up all their loose trash and depositing it in the nearest public waste receptacle.

Think about that, ye Occupiers.  Also: the hygienic and social advantages of soap and deodorant.

Moe Lane Continue reading #rsrh #ows So, how did that sonic cannon thing work out?

#rsrh Noticed something interesting about these RCP race rankings.

Essentially, that they’re not really all that, well, volatile.  Here’s a partisan breakdown of what RCP considers to be the most at-risk House and Senate races:

10 15 25
House 4 6 7 8 12 13
Senate 7 3 11 4

RCP also ranks this year’s gubernatorial elections, but there are only eleven of them anyway (thus making a Top Ten list kind of meaningless).  So, let’s look at the Congressional results: Continue reading #rsrh Noticed something interesting about these RCP race rankings.

#rsrh Poor Impulse Control Watch: the Online Left vs. Cory Booker.

You know, I’m not exactly sure why this fairly commonsense observation by Newark mayor (and Democrat) Cory Booker that maybe you shouldn’t demonize quite so heavily the private equity industry…

…is worth quite this much vituperation from the Left in response.

Continue reading #rsrh Poor Impulse Control Watch: the Online Left vs. Cory Booker.