#rsrh Anti-Walker forces try to creep out last the remaining undecided #wirecall voters.

(H/T: Instapundit) Check it out (here and here): the Greater Wisconsin Committee (GWC) (best known for their stellar work in inadvertently helping to derail JoAnne Kloppenburg’s WI Supreme Court bid) wants you to know that they’re paying attention to who is voting.  And that they’re going to tell on you to your neighbors if you don’t vote. Every last one of you.  They’re watching you right now, in fact.  You see that shrubbery moving, and yet there’s no breeze tonight?  Yeah, that’s a Greater Wisconsin Committee member keeping his eye on you, with his directional mike and his binoculars and his infared sensors and his plastic raincoat and his big black rubber gloves…

And he wants you to vote for Tom Barrett, by the way.  The only way that the GWC isn’t targeting Scott Walker voters directly is because… well, the primary reason is that there’s a whole lot of them these days, thanks largely to the efforts of the GWC.  But another reason is because the GWC can’t crawl into the polling booth after you, so they can’t actually tell how people voted.  I bet that they’re trying to brainstorm that complication away, though…

Moe Lane

PS: Shorter Moe Lane: If your idea of useful political involvement involves doing things that in private life usually end with the phrase ‘restraining order’ being liberally strewn about, change your definition of ‘useful political involvement.’

Save your cables.

I’ve been spending the last two or three hours trying to set up the Wii so that it runs on a dedicated computer monitor.  Two shopping trips, three calls to various vendors, multiple consultations of the Internet, and a good amount of swearing later, a magnificent kludge was constructed… with one exception.  No way to plug in the speakers.

So I turn to my wife.  “Honey,” I ask her, “Have you ever seen this kind of connection before?”

And then she went unto the Box of Cables And Cords That We Have Accumulated Over The Days of Our Lives that she maintains, rummaged through – and lo! There was the cable I needed.

Save your cables.

Aww. Barack Obama *misses* the nice, civilized 2008 election cycle!


I was going to get awesomely cranky about how suddenly Barack Obama is nostalgic about campaigning against that nice John McCain, but then I realized: feeding a man’s narcissism by writing, long involved posts about him helps neither you, nor the narcissist.  So in the interests of Obama’s own mental hygiene, let me be brief:

In 2008 the Obama campaign released an ad that mocked John McCain for his inability to send an email – which infuriated people, because the reason why he can’t send an email is because his arms have never really worked properly after the North Vietnamese got done torturing him.  When Obama’s Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden dared mildly apologize for it, the Obama campaign humiliated Biden by having their lackey Bill Burton come out and retract Biden’s apology.

This is what passed for ‘civility’ in the 2008 election cycle – but I can understand why Obama would get all misty-eyed about those days.  It’s natural for a coward to remember fondly the times when his fights were all with people who wouldn’t – or couldn’t – fight back

Moe Lane (crosspost)

(H/T: Instapundit)

Hey. It’s June.

I like June.  It’s a pretty month that’s warm, but not too hot; everything’s done blooming and is now seriously determined to settle down to being extremely green. Mornings made for leisurely drives and nights good for stargazing.  It’s when you get the summer fruits and can buy a random ice cream without having to go to the supermarket.  Baseball and steaks on grills. Thundershowers and long sunny days.

Calm before storms.

#rsrh Tom Barrett’s cops arrest peaceful protester at Clinton’s (sparse?) WI rally.

Gotta love Milwaukee – and Milwaukee’s Democratic mayor Tom Barrett, huh?

No, actually, you’re obliged to love him in public.  Don’t, and they throw you in the hoosegowMore from Buzzfeed:

A lone Scott Walker supporter was arrested at a campaign rally for Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett today, where Bill Clinton also spoke. The man had been arguing with rally attendees since before the rally began, and held a sign that said “Support Scott Walker, Not Union Thugs.”

After the end of Clinton’s speech, the man was taken away by police and taken to the corner of Pere Marquette Park in downtown Milwaukee as the police waited for their car to arrive.

Continue reading #rsrh Tom Barrett’s cops arrest peaceful protester at Clinton’s (sparse?) WI rally.

#rsrh Wondering why that Eisenhower monument monstrosity…

…is still going up, despite the fact that opposition to it in Congress ranges from Darrell Issa to Jim Moran? Try looking at the links. The architect (Frank Gehry) is a pet of the Pritzker family of Chicago (yeah, the ones who own Hyatt); and Penny Pritzker, of course, is herself one of President Obama’s pets. Or possibly it’s the other way around…

Either way, it’s perhaps not exactly an accident that a ‘monument’ made by this guy is still in production. Despite the fact that the Eisenhower family itself hates the design. Guess old Dwight should have gotten into the hotel business, instead of just helping to save Western civilization from its home-grown barbarians. Really! Some people have such skewed priorities…