#rsrh QotD, He’s Got His Public Response RIGHT HERE edition.

(Via Drudge) Executive summary: Obama goes to Iowa State Fair.  Obama visits Bud Tent, buys a round for ten people in tentexcept for the guy holding an Romney sign (because… well, I should be classy and not say ‘because the President’s a dick that way’) – and then the President goes off.  Total cost to owner of the Bud Tent? 25 grand [from lost business: the Secret Service had the tent secured for two hours]. Senator Grassley happened to hear about this while at the ISF himself, and put together a few rather pointed Tweets on the topic; said topic is apparently now making the rounds in Iowa.

And this is the part that made me laugh:

 The Bud Tent owner added that he hasn’t yet replied to a phone message from Obama’s staff asking him to respond publicly to Grassley’s tweet.

I suspect that they’ve figured out the owner’s response by now anyway.

Moe Lane

PS: Moral of the story? If you’re going to suck up 25 grand’s worth of somebody else’s business*, make sure that the guy isn’t from the other party.  If you do it anyway, don’t ask him to push back on your behalf later. It’s that last bit that demonstrates the clown school mentality so prevalent in Obama for America these days…

*And remember, Barry: you didn’t build that.

#rsrh I like William Kristol’s take on anonymous GOP whisperers.

He’s about as scornful as I am about unnamed GOP consultants slagging the Paul Ryan choice for VP – and by extension, the candidate.

 When “GOP pros” are most full of fear and apprehension about Republican prospects—for example, Reagan in 1980, Gingrich in 1994, and the Tea Party in 2010—Republicans tend to do well. When they’re confident and complacent—for example, at the George H.W. Bush White House in late 1991 or the George W. Bush White House in early 2005—the GOP is heading for a fall.

Continue reading #rsrh I like William Kristol’s take on anonymous GOP whisperers.

@Fausta raises an excellent point.

Not the shirtless thing – I’m frankly indifferent, although Democrats worrying about Paul Ryan’s physical appearance are probably worrying about the wrong thing – but the entire ‘make some cash off of this P90X’ thing.  So here you go:

I cannot recommend it one way or the other, given that I am stout and out of shape; but I’ll cheerfully sell it to you and get my cut. Because, hey, why not?

Moe Lane

#rsrh @DWSTweets gets shifty-eyed, destroyed on Mediscare by Wolf Blitzer.

(Reminded by the Morning Jolt) No, really, Guy Benson was right: it was brutal. Completely deserved, but brutal.

I’ll spare you a summary, as no actual semantic content was exchanged in this clip: Wolf Blitzer kept pointing out that nobody over 55 has no reason to worry about the Ryan plan, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz kept falling back into classic Zombie Mode.  Honestly, it lacked only the hands-outstretched and a moan of “Rrrrrrrryyyyyyyaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn” to make it classic Romero on Debbie’s part.

Continue reading #rsrh @DWSTweets gets shifty-eyed, destroyed on Mediscare by Wolf Blitzer.

#rsrh I have a complicated reaction to this Chick-fil-A story.

Background: local Florida reporter for the News-Press goes to Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day, says a lot of rude things about it on Facebook, gets canned for it.  So, here’s how it looks to me, after the fact:

  • On the one hand, when I say ‘rude things’ I mean ‘really rude things.’  The guy clearly came to the event spoiling for a fight, or at least for something that could be usefully filmed; and he didn’t seem to find any that could be documented.  In fact,  the guy’s accusations of racism and horrible behavior is not backed up by his former newspaper’s own reporting.  Which is undoubtedly why the guy was fired by the News-Press; he was saying stuff in public that was actually calling into question the newspaper’s professional ethics.
  • On the other hand: this isn’t really a story about reporters hating Chick-fil-A: it’s a story about whether the stuff that you post as a private individual should impact your employment status.  In this case, there was sufficient provocation: the guy was essentially saying that his own paper was lying about the event, and he got caught doing it*. But what would have happened if the reporter hadn’t lied? If, instead, he had simply used his personal site to be a hate-ridden bigot who wasn’t making false accusations? Would he still have gotten fired? …Maybe; and I have to say, I have a certain inclination towards allowing people to be schmucks on their own time.
  • On the gripping hand: if we’re firing people, can we somehow fire this godawful Lefty poet defending said schmuck?  SCANSION. METER. RHYME.  OUR ANCESTORS DEVELOPED THEM FOR A REASON, SPARKY. LEARN IT. LIVE IT. LOVE IT.

OK, I’ve now gotten that out my system.

Moe Lane

#rsrh Barack Obama: typically ignorant of GOP farm bill’s passage.

(H/T Gateway Pundit) Well, this is embarrassing:


Short version: in his haste to make it look like he actually cares about the state of Iowa, Barack Obama snidely wondered what was up with passage of the farm bill.  Well, what’s up with the farm bill is that House Republicans did pass an emergency one two weeks ago; only, Democrat Debbie Stabenow got her nose so out of joint because she couldn’t have her Five Year Plan* passed that she refused to let the Senate version advance.  Which you would think that Barack Obama would know perfectly well, since the New York Times reported that Senate aides indicated “the White House would have considered the House measure”.

I guess nobody ever tells Barack Obama anything.  Frankly, I wouldn’t: there’s always the chance that he’d take an interest in the subject, and thus muck it up thoroughly. Continue reading #rsrh Barack Obama: typically ignorant of GOP farm bill’s passage.