#rsrh Mike Rowe to join Mitt Romney in Ohio tomorrow.

Just got this via email:

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will be speaking at manufacturing plant American Spring Wire Corporation in Bedford Heights on Wednesday. Special guest, Mike Rowe, of the television show, ‘Dirty Jobs,’ will also be joining Romney. The event starts at 12:15 pm. Doors open at 10:15 a.m.

You may remember that Mike Rowe earlier this month wrote a letter to Mitt Romney, asking him for help in rebuilding an appreciation for “hard work and skilled labor.” Mike had written a similar letter to Barack Obama, who (of course) ignored it completely: it’s nice to see that Mitt Romney has more mother-wit.

Yes, I just insulted Barack Obama’s intelligence.  I’m hardly the first one to do so.

Moe Lane

Barack Obama takes a page from the Muslim Brotherhood.

You may have noticed a little while back that the US Embassy in Cairo called out the Egyptian government/Muslim Brotherhood for saying one thing in English (read: Western foreign consumption) and another in Arabic (read: domestic/regional consumption).  Which is all to the good… so why did the President do the same thing this week?

The View: “In an interview with ABC’s “The View,” Obama — who is in New York to address the United Nations General Assembly — was asked if the Benghazi assault was indeed terrorism.  “There’s no doubt that the kind of weapons that were used, the ongoing assault, that it wasn’t just a mob action,” Obama said.”

Obama’s UN speech: “In every country, there are those who find different religious beliefs threatening; in every culture, those who love freedom for themselves must ask how much they are willing to tolerate freedom for others. That is what we saw play out the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world. I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity.”

…Annnnd that’s pretty much everything that the President had to say at the UN as to why we are having ongoing riots in the Middle East in the first place: it’s all because of that video. Oh, sure, the President admitted that Iran funds terrorist groups; but he knows, you know, and I know that the Benghazi attack (and probably the triggering riots*) were started up by an al-Qaeda affiliate (read: Sunni), while Iran prefers to work through groups like Hezbollah (read: Shi’ite). Which most of the people at the UN know, too – so yeah, they’re getting a message loud and clear, and it’s this: Barack Obama doesn’t want to look too closely at existing terror networks in the Middle East. Continue reading Barack Obama takes a page from the Muslim Brotherhood.

#rsrh You know, when GEORGE W BUSH was President we didn’t flatter Holocaust-denying regimes.

We have a bit of a tradition in this country: it’s one that sprang up when the Iranian regime decided to make the Jew-hating, Holocaust-denying theocratic nutjob Mahmoud Ahmadinejad its public face.  Essentially, this tradition was to make it clear that while it was reluctantly understood that the realities of having United Nations HQ in NYC meant that sometimes we’re forced to let representatives of regimes that we despise come by and stink up the country for a while, it doesn’t mean that we want to make them feel welcome.  Because they aren’t.  So, when it coems to Ahmadinejad… we walked out on him in 2011. We walked out in 2010. We boycotted in 2009. We left behind a single non-diplomat note taker in 2008. We left behind a single non-diplomat note taker in 2007. And 2006. And 2005.  We have, in fact, been formally walking out on, spurning, and otherwise generally showing our public disapproval for aforementioned Jew-hating, Holocaust-denying theocratic nutjob since he was assigned to his position.

Times change.


“US Officials Stay Seated For Ahmadinejad’s Speech, Israel Walks Out” is how Breitbart put it. I’ll put it as Obama administration embarrasses us on the world stage.  Again.  This is, of course, not  Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s main speech – that’s been (perhaps malignantly) scheduled for Wednesday, which is also Yom Kippur.  But I am not exactly filled with confidence that this administration has not quietly decided that pandering to the Iranian regime might be one of those super-double-smart diplomatic maneuvers that they’ve read about.  Alternatively, this administration might have simply neglected to consider how bad this might look.  Malice or incompetence: you never know, with this crowd.

Moe Lane

PS: I invite the people reading this who might happen to be both a) Democrats and b) as offended by this as I am to take a really good look around over the next couple of days and see who on the Left is apologizing for this decision – or, indeed, praising it.  It should prove… instructive.

#rsrh QotD, Why Obama Isn’t Doing His Job Edition.

Background: President Obama apparently has time for daily talk shows.  Fellow heads of state?  Not so much.  And the fool that gave this quote to the New ork Times apparently thought that he was explaining things:

Mr. Obama was scheduled to attend a reception for world leaders at the United Nations on Monday night. But a campaign adviser acknowledged privately that in this election year, campaigning trumped meetings with world leaders. “Look, if he met with one leader, he would have to meet with 10,” the aide said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Then the President should meet with 10.  Or 20.  Or however many are there, and not called Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.  Because that is his job.  I pay Barack Obama to meet with world leaders.  I do not pay Barack Obama to go on The View.

Sheesh, but these people have no gravitas.

Moe Lane

I’m not even watching football this year and this @tjlang70 guy still wins the Internet.

I can’t exactly put my finger on why this is hysterical…

…but judging from my Twitter timeline, I’m hardly the only person to think so.

The Soon-To-Be-Epic Buzzfeed/State Department Email Meltdown.

Submitted without comment.  Unless a (NSFW) warning counts.  Or my eyebrow – which is not so much ‘raised’ as it is ‘in low Earth orbit’ – does.

Moe Lane

PS: OK, one comment… Yes, indeed, you are not the only person out there who thinks that neither side won that exchange.

#rsrh Shorter Jay Cost:

The polls go up. The polls go down.

Have you noticed that the political polls have been all over the map lately? Is President Obama up 8 in Virginia, or just 1? Is Mitt Romney up 6 in North Carolina, or is Obama up 4? How about nationwide? Gallup and Rasmussen show a tie, but Pew shows Obama up 8. And so and so on.

What the heck is going on?

The same thing that goes on every election cycle: we have a bunch of things that can tell us how a campaign is doing, but only one of them (polling) is anywhere near being quantifiable. Guess which one makes it into the news?

Via Hot Air Headlines.